Sluttseminar for Kristin Losvik Sørensen, kandidat ph.d. i profesjonsvitenskap
Arbeidstittel på avhandlingen:
Mental health from an actor's point of view.
Kort presentasjon av avhandlingen:
This article based qualitative study aims to explore through a phenomenological lens, professional actors' workdays in the Norwegian entertainment industry. The overall aim of the doctoral thesis is to generate new insight into the professional lives of Norwegian actors, with a particular focus on how mental health influences their careers in the entertainment industry.
The empirical data are based on in-depth interviews with 14 actors from a broad part of Norway with various acting experiences.
- Hovedveileder Førsteamanuensis Kristin Berre Ørjasæter, FSH
- Medveileder Professor Rose Mari Olsen, FSH
- Medveileder Lektor (ph.d.) Niklas Hald, Stockholms Kunstnerliga Høgskola, Sverige.
- Ekstern: Førsteamanuensis Petra Barbro Sofia Fransen, Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo
- Intern: Professor Mette Spliid Ludvigsen, FSH