Kandidat: Simen Raaen Sandmæl
Prosjekttittel: “Practical application of foot-mounted sensor technology to measure external training load indicators in soccer”
Beskrivelse av prosjektet: Training load management is one of the most crucial parts of soccer players’ performance development and injury prevention. As a result, coaches and sports scientists are continually aiming to improve methods for monitoring players to provide better conditions for measuring training load. In the wake of this, multiple commercial suppliers of sport tracking systems are available in the market.
Artificial intelligence has naturally become relevant in this regard, and in 2023 Playermaker was approved by FIFA for use in official matches. The Playermaker system will be the first foot-mounted sensor technology based on AI to be worn in official soccer matches.
This thesis does not examine the technology itself, but rather how practitioners can use this foot-mounted sensor technology to measure objective training load indicators in soccer.
Veiledere: Førsteamanuensis Terje Dalen (hovedveileder) og førsteamanuensis David McGhie, begge fra Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Opponenter: Førsteamanuensis Runar Jakobsen Unhjem, Nord universitet, og professor Håvard Wuttudal Lorås, NTNU
Tid og sted: 27. 01. 2025 kl. 10:00-13:00, på Campus Levanger, Rom Ho161