Andreas Østhagen
Nord University Business School
Study location
The East China Sea: A Case of Ocean Geopolitics and Maritime Conflict 2024, East Asia: Midford, Paul; Østhagen, Andreas
Hybrid Warfare at Sea? Russia, Svalbard and the Arctic 2024, Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies: Volum 7 s. 111-130 Stensrud, Cecilie Juul; Østhagen, Andreas
Scotland: A Touchstone for Security in the High North? 2022, The RUSI Journal: Volum 167 Depledge, Duncan; Østhagen, Andreas
Snow Crabs, the EU and Diplomatic Headaches Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes 2022, Bloomsbury Academic: s. 197-212 Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
Introduction: Climate Change and Resilient Fisheries Management Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes 2022, Bloomsbury Academic: s. 3-22 Stokke, Olav Schram; Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
The North Atlantic Mackerel Dispute: Lessons for International Cooperation on Transboundary Fish Stocks Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes 2022, Bloomsbury Academic: s. 137-152 Østhagen, Andreas; Totland, Olav Anders; Spijkers, Jessica
The European Union and Arctic Security Governance Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic
2022, Springer: s. 425-441 Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes 2022, Bloomsbury Academic: Stokke, Olav Schram; Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
The Arctic Ocean: Boundaries and Disputes 2021, The Arctic Yearbook: Volum 2021 s. 5-22 Østhagen, Andreas; Schofield, Clive H.
Голубая экономика Северного Ледовитого океана: управление аквакультурой
на Аляске и в Северной Норвегии (The Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean: Governing Aquaculture in Alaska and North Norway) 2021, Арктика и Север: Volum 42 s. 122-144 Raspotnik, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland; Østhagen, Andreas
An ocean apart? Maritime boundary agreements and disputes in the Arctic Ocean 2021, The Polar Journal: Østhagen, Andreas; Schofield, Clive H.
Collapse of cooperation? The North-Atlantic mackerel dispute and lessons for international cooperation on transboundary fish stocks 2020, Maritime Studies: Volum 19 Østhagen, Andreas; Spijkers, Jessica; Totland, Olav Anders
Coast Guards and Ocean Politics in the Arctic 2020, Palgrave Macmillan: Østhagen, Andreas
Kystvaktens hevdelse av norsk suverenitet rundt Svalbard: Russiske persepsjoner og reaksjoner 2020, Internasjonal Politikk: Volum 78 s. 167-192 Jørgensen, Anne-Kristin; Østhagen, Andreas
Rising Seas and Retreating Coasts: The Implications of Sea-level Rise for the Arctic 2020, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law: Volum 35 s. 468-497 Schofield, Clive H.; lalonde, Suzanne; Østhagen, Andreas
Stormaktspolitikk og økt spenning? Kunsten å skille mellom is og bart i Arktis 2020, Internasjonal Politikk: Volum 78 s. 466-477 Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
How much is the fish? When foreign policy meets fishing interests in the EU’s Arctic endeavour 2020, International Relations: Volum 34 Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
Рыбоохранная зона Шпицбергена: как Россия и Норвегия разрешают арктические разногласия
| The Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone: How Russia and Norway Manage an Arctic Dispute
| 2020, Арктика и Север: s. 183-205 Østhagen, Andreas; Jørgensen, Anne-Kristin; Moe, Arild
What about the Arctic? The European Union’s Geopolitical Quest for Northern Space 2019, Geopolitics: Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
Crab! How a dispute over snow crab became a diplomatic headache between Norway and the EU 2018, Marine Policy: Volum 98 s. 58-64 Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
At Opposite Poles: Canada's and Norway's approaches to security in the Arctic 2018, The Polar Journal: Volum 8 s. 163-181 Østhagen, Andreas; Sharp, Gregory Levi; Hilde, Paal Sigurd
Maritime Futures: The Arctic and the Bering Strait Region 2017, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Conley, Heather; Melino, Matthew; Østhagen, Andreas
Partners or Rivals? Norway and the European Union in the High North The European Union and the Arctic 2017, Brill | Nijhoff: s. 97-119 Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
Geopolitikk i Arktis og forholdet India-Norge 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics (& India) 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk og Svalbard 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard and Geopolitics 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Climate change and security in the northern regions 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
International conferences 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics and the Arctic 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Kan vi få en ny krig? 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Ocean Governance and Security 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic ocean governance and global developments 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Pubinar: Krig i Nordområdene? 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
International Co-Operation for a Secure and Sustainable Arctic 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Er Norge forberedt på et åpent polhav? 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Framtidens Svalbard
2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Blir det krig i Arktis? Forskere avliver tre myter om Nordområdene 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Viktig å ha dialog med Russland 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Stor internasjonal interesse for Svalbard 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Ordfører direkte til Støre: – Tiltak er nedlatende 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Scandinavia Is Preparing for War 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Frontlinjestaten 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Ekspert om Nordic Response 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
For sale: unique piece of land in strategic Arctic archipelago 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Strid om eiendom på Svalbard 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Ekspert: - Ønsker å opphausse 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Uenige med staten: – Da har du tredje verdenskrig! 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Hvorfor er Kina interessert i Arktis? 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Strammer forskningsgrepet på Svalbard: – En markering 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard-eiendom 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Turkish science team explores Russia’s Svalbard plans 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Her heises Sovjetunionens flagg på Svalbard 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
The ghosts of the Arctic are stirring back to life 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Strammer forskningsgrepet på Svalbard
2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Den nye stormakten (the new great power) 2024, NRK Ytring: Østhagen, Andreas
The Big Picture of Arctic Geopolitics: An actor-oriented analysis 2024, Winther, Iselin; Østhagen, Andreas
India’s Arctic imperative 2024, The Hindu: Singh, Abhijit; Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard and Geopolitics: A Need for Clarity 2024, The Arctic Institute: Østhagen, Andreas
Global Actions – Arctic Reactions 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Er nordområdene en geopolitisk kruttønne? 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics Pubinar 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics (& India)
2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Polar geopolitics and strategy 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Great Power Competition in the Arctic and High North 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic3D and Nordic book project 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic security issues
2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Essequibo dispute: How are maritime borders traced? 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Dr Andreas Østhagen on Arctic Geopolitics and Governance 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Myths of Svalbard Geopolitics Debunked by Researcher 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics and Local Communities 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
For sale: unique piece of land in strategic Arctic archipelago 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
- Jeg kan ikke se den store trusselen 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
India kan bli en polar partner 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbards sikkerhetspolitiske betydning 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Spenning ved Alaska 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Connections. Arctic and Mediterranean: New Assets for Energy Security and Strategic Balances - The Italian and Norwegian Perspectives 2024, Pigoli, Aldo; Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas; Dordoni, Marco; Di Capua, Giacomo
Geopolitikk i Arktis 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic politics and India 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Forskning på geopolitikk i Arktis 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
The Arctic and the Mediterranean: research and insight 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Re-visiting and re-understanding the euro-russian border 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Navigating Geopolitics and Governance 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics Pubinar 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Maritime Security 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Hva vil Norge med Nordområdene? 2024, Dagens næringsliv: Østhagen, Andreas; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; Mæland, Magnus
Arctic Security Conference 2024 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
A 3D Approach to Geopolitics in the Barents and Bering Seas 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
The Arctic: Climate Change & Geopolitics | Insights and Challenges 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
India in the Arctic 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge og USA etter valget 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Forsker om kinesisk markering på Svalbard 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard as a Geopolitical Hotspot 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Stormaktsspill og geostrategi 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Barents Sea fisheries in a geopolitical perspective 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics and Svalbard 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard og sikkerhetspolitikk 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk i Arktis og konsekvenser for Norge
2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk i Arktis og konsekvenser for Norge 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway’s Arctic Challenges 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
(Mis)Understanding Svalbard Geopolitics 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Security and Cooperation in the Arctic 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
NATO’s Role in the Arctic: Increasing and Misunderstood 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics in the Arctic 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway’s Security vis-à-vis Russia | Eastern Express 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Canada Seeks Stronger US Ties in Arctic to Counter Russia, China 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Canada and Norway in the Arctic 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
How to network like an ECS 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge i Arktis: Globale endringer og norske strategier 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Symbolism at Sea 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Future of Polar Geopolitics 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Avskrekking, Avhengighet, Dialog 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
More Nordic cooperation needed to face a more aggressive Russia 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk i Arktis og konsekvenser for Norge 2024, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics at a Crossroads 2023, The Oxford Diplomatic Dispatch: s. 20-23 Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
Nansens Nordområdeseminar 2023 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics: Svalbard and the European High North 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Avskrekking, avhengighet og dialog. Geopolitikk i Arktis 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic3D 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics in the Arctic 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Who owns the oceans? 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Sikkerhet i nordområdene del 2 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Russiske raketter skremmer (Russian rockets scare) 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Is peace in the Arctic melting? 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
U.S. opens northernmost diplomatic station, in Arctic Norway 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway and the North: an introduction 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic workshop 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Internasjonalt samarbeid i nord i krise - hva kan Norge gjøre? 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Disputed Territory Between Venezuela And Guyana 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
A Diplomatic Perspective 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
The European Union and Arctic Security 2023, Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics: A three level analysis 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics Pubinar 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Cooperation in a Changing Arctic - seminar at Norwegian Embassy 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arktis, nordområdene og Svalbard
2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Introduction to Nordic chiefs of defence on Arctic security issues 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics after the Ukraine War 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics and Security 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
High North, Low Tension. Is it still possible? 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Spaces of Opportunities in Politics 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Geostrategy Dynamics in The Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
The UK in the Arctic - Seminar 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
OCEANGOV workshop 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
The nuances in Arctic geopolitics
2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Ny test i nord (New test in the North) 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Russian muscle spurs Arctic arms race 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
- Har aldri skjedd før (Has never happened before) 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge skal lede det «viktigste forumet» om Arktis. Da kan ikke Russland ignoreres (Norway is leading the “most important” Arctic forum. Russia cannot be ignored) 2023, Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
USA-diplomat til Tromsø (USA diplomat to Tromsø) 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Guest expert on BBC World Service Weekend for three hours 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Forsker om russisk spionasje (Researcher on Russian espionage) 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Why the fastest warming place on earth can’t quit coal 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
The Rise and Sudden Fall of the Arctic Council 2023, Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
In Hot Water: Arctic Fisheries as a Proxy for Geopolitical Tensions 2023, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI): Evans, Grace; Østhagen, Andreas
EPP Group Academy Meeting on the Arctic 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Ocean Governance Workshop 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics: The Svalbard Archipelago 2023, CSIS Briefs: Østhagen, Andreas; Svendsen, Otto; Bergmann, Max
Arctic Governance and Business: Role of Asia 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Episode 28: Sikkerhetspolitikk i Arktis med Andreas Østhagen 2023, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway's Arctic policy: Still High North, low tension? 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Three Levels of Arctic Geopolitics
2022, Turkish Policy Quarterly: Østhagen, Andreas
Invasjon av Ukraina (Invasion of Ukraine) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Three levels of Arctic Geopolitics 2022, InsideOver: Volum 8 Østhagen, Andreas
Avfeier økt spenning i nord etter Ukraina-angrepet 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk i Arktis - USA ser mot Norge 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Scotland a ‘high priority target’ for Russian attack 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge mellom stormaktene i nord
2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic security after Ukraine 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
GEOSEAS og OCEANGOV prosjektworkshop 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Krig og fred i Arktis: Stormaktsrivalisering utenfor stuedøra 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
The EU must re-think its Arctic relationship with Russia 2022, EurActiv: Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
The End of an Exceptional History: Re-Thinking the EU-Russia Arctic Relationship 2022, e-International relations: Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
Expert witness on «Arctic Security» 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Samler 30 000 soldater fra 27 NATO-land 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Russia’s war in Ukraine sends tremors into the Arctic 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Blue Governance: Governing the Blue Economy
in Alaska and North Norway (AlaskaNor Work Package V Report) 2022, Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas; Inderberg, Tor Håkon Jackson; Rottem, Svein Vigeland; Jørgensen, Anne-Kristin; Hønneland, Geir Børre
Krigen og nordområdene i 2023 (The War and the High North in 2023) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Las cuevas noruegas de la OTAN (The Norwegian NATO caves) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordic Security Perspectives in the Arctic 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Why Norway and the Kingdom of Denmark should work closer together vis-à-vis the United States on security in the Arctic 2022, Polar Points: Volum 2022 Østhagen, Andreas; Lund Linde, Peter Wilhelm
Getting US Arctic Security Right 2022, The Arctic Institute: Volum 2022 Østhagen, Andreas
How war in Ukraine is changing the Arctic 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic security quiz 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard og Russland (Svalbard and Russia) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Kampen om Svalbard (Battle for Svalbard) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Geopolitics? What, where and why 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Moderator of "Framtidens Svalbard" 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard and Geopolitics workshop 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard Geopolitics Pubinar 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Cooperation in Turbulent Times 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Nansens Nordområdeseminar: Utenrikspolitiske veivalg i nord 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Ocean Governance and Arctic Geopolitics 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk til havs i Arktis (Geopolitics at Sea in the Arctic)
2022, Østhagen, Andreas
I skyggen av Putin (In the shadow of Putin) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
USAs sikkerhetspolitikk i Arktis: Konsekvenser for Norge 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordområde/Arktis-forskningen, erfaringer og aktuelle problemstillinger: Dialogmøte om Nordområdene 2022, Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild; Østhagen, Andreas; Bullvåg, Erlend
Kina i Arktis (China in the Arctic) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Naboskapet med Russland (Neighbourship with Russia) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Hva skjer i Arktis – Utenrikspolitiske veivalg for Norge 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Security, Geopolitics and Governance 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitikk og Svalbard (Geopolitics and Svalbard) 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Comparing Bering Sea and Barents Sea regions 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Maritime disputes in the Arctic Ocean 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
The race for the Arctic is ramping up. Here’s why 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Ocean Geopolitics and Governance 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Ukraina-krigen og norsk sikkerhet 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Kaffe med en forsker: Andreas Østhagen 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Ocean Governance: Cooperation after Conflict? 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Aftenposten bommer om konfliktfaren i Arktis (Aftenposten misunderstands the danger of conflict in the Arctic) 2022, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.): Moe, Arild; Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
Not Enough Debate About the Specific Challenges on Svalbard 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Sovereignty and Security: A Role for Invuik 2022, Østhagen, Andreas
Kunsten å skille mellom is og bart i nordområdene 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Sikkerhetspolitikk i nord 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Alliert opptrapping i nord 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge i nordområdene - stormaktsrivalisering og grønne løfter 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Cooperation or Competition? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge mellom stormaktene i Arktis 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Security dynamics in the Arctic 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordområdene: hvor, hva og hvorfor? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Europeiske staters interesse i nordområdene 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Risks and geopolitics in fisheries in the Arctic
2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Kina og stormaktspolitikk i Arktis 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Økt spenning rundt Svalbard (Increased tension around Svalbard) 2021, NRK Ytring: Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
Norway's Arctic policy and the EU
2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Konflikt i Arktis? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
High North, Low Tension? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Forskningsprosjekt på hav og maritime grenser 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Nansens Nordområdeseminar: Utenrikspolitiske veivalg i Nord 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic cooperation and future scenarios 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Cod Quotas Shake the Svalbard Treaty 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Utenrikspolitikk mangler i valgkampen. Men utfordringene står i kø for en ny regjering. 2021, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.): Rottem, Svein Vigeland; Østhagen, Andreas
Norge og Russland møtes
2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Ordstyrer: Snapshot på Russlandskonferansen 2021 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
The EU's Arctic policy and Geopolitics 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
OCEANGOV workshop 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
The Good, the Bad and The Ugly: How to unpack Arctic security 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordic Countries and Diverging Arctic Security Perceptions 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Troubled Waters? Maritime Disputes and Geopolitics in the Arctic 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Klima, konflikt og Arktis: en sammenheng? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic maritime boundary disputes 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Utenrikstoppmøte i Tromsø og nordområdepolitikk 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Best practices in Atlantic multilateral cooperation 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Hvorfor er det Norge som styrer over Svalbard? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Looking North: The European Union and Arctic Security from a Nordic and German Perspective 2021, Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
Svalbard and Geopolitics: emerging scholars workshop 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard og internasjonal politikk 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
The EU's role in the Arctic 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Klimaendringer og sikkerhetspolitikk i Arktis 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic security dynamics and hybrid threats 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Stormaktspolitikk i Arktis (Great power politics in the Arctic) 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Norge og EU i heftig krangel om fisken rundt Svalbard 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
A Global Arctic Order Under Threat? An Agenda for American Leadership in the North 2021, Polar Points: Volum 2021 Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas
What can the Nordic countries do to reduce tension in the Arctic? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway and the EU in the Arctic: partners or rivals? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
How are maritime boundaries determined? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Ingen redningsmann i nord 2021, NRK Ytring: Østhagen, Andreas
Who Controls the Arctic? 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Russland ut mot Nato: – Dette er vårt land, og våre farvann 2021, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordområdene, sikkerhetspolitikk og Arktisk Råd 2020, Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
Analysing Arctic geopolitics: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Maritime boundaries and marine resource management 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctique, la guerre des pôles (Arctic, the war of the poles) 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
USA vil verne Arktis. Hva gjør Norge? 2020, High North News: Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
Arctic geopolitics and analysis
2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordområdene i 2021: Sikkerhetspolitikk og Arktis Råd (The High North in 2021: Security policy and Arctic Council) 2020, Den norske atlanterhavskomite, Ukens analyse: Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
100 Years of Arctic Geopolitics:The Svalbard Headache 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Nye stemmer: Norge, Russland og nordområdene - Runde 1 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Three levels of analysing Arctic geopolitics 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Vern av Arktis? 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
True North 2020, The Security Times: Rottem, Svein Vigeland; Østhagen, Andreas
Sustainable Arctic Fisheries Hub Webinar with Dr. Andreas Østhagen 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic geopolitics 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Discussing the Blue Arctic Economy: A Case Study of Fisheries in Alaska and North Norway 2020, Raspotnik, Andreas; Østhagen, Andreas; Colgan, Charles
Svalbard and the Arctic: the way ahead? 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Biden i nord 2020, High North News: Rottem, Svein Vigeland; Østhagen, Andreas
What’s next? Geostrategic Competition in the Arctic 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway in the Arctic: Great Power or irrelevant actor? 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Storpolitikk i nord: Norge mellom kalde fronter? 2020, Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland; Moe, Arild; Heggelund, Gørild
Utenrikspolitikken som forsvant i isen 2020, Morgenbladet: Østhagen, Andreas
Utenrikspolitikken som forsvant i isen 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Her er Norges trumfkort i sikkerhetsrådet 2020, High North News: Østhagen, Andreas
Fem råd for en bedre utenrikspolitikk i nord 2020, Nordlys: Østhagen, Andreas
Slik blir livet etter Trump 2020, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.): Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic and the different lenses 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Alt er Nord: Norge og nordområdepolitikk 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Forskningsprosjekt fiskeri Svalbard 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
USA vil verne Arktis. Hva gjør Norge? 2020, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.): Østhagen, Andreas; Rottem, Svein Vigeland
Russland og Svalbardtraktaten ('Russia and the Svalbard Treaty') 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Russia unveils major plans for Northern Sea Route 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Moderating session on Arctic Council and maritime affairs 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic countries puzzled about EU’s engagement in the region 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Australian interests in the Arctic? 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Norges nordområdepolitikk 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordområdepolitikk og forskning 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Current affairs, Arctic - with Belgian Embassy 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Presentasjon til Sveriges ambassade om nordområdepolitikk 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Valgvake for USA - Arktis 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic geopolitics - to Paul Taylor 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
GEOSEAS project workshop 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Geo-Strategic Competition in the Arctic: What Next? 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Norway's Arctic and energy policies 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Ways of analysing Arctic geopolitics 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Developments in the Arctic and arctic security 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Nordområdepolitikk - innspill til UD 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Forskning på nordområdepolitikk og sikkerhetspolitikk 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Concluding remarks and thoughts for the future NPAC 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Om fiskeri og Svalbard (On fisheries and Svalbard) 2020, Østhagen, Andreas
Stormaktspolitikk i Arktis 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Utenriksdepartementets nye Nordområdepolitikk - moderator 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Svalbard og geopolitikk 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics of the Arctic and the EU 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Re-conceptualising Arctic security 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic geopolitics - lecture in Berlin 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic and geopolitics 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics of Energy: regional analysis (En304E) 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Maritime boundaries and reasons why states settle 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics of the Arctic: EU and national strategies 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Moderating Sustainable Arctic Development 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Storpolitikken inntar Nordområdene: Sover Norge? 2019, High North News: Østhagen, Andreas
Does Santa Claus speak Danish, English or Russian? 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Geopolitics and various regions 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Konflikter til havs 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Canada Makes a Claim to the North Pole 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
L’Ue poco attenta al tesoro del Nord (The EU does not care about the treasure of the North) 2019, Formiche: Volum 148 s. 46-47 Østhagen, Andreas; Raspotnik, Andreas
Canada vil ha Nordpolen. Og norske politikere endte i grøfta 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Sikkerhetspolitikk i nord 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Trump i våre nordområder? 2019, High North News: Østhagen, Andreas
Skitten politikk og rene glis 2019, Dagsavisen: Østhagen, Andreas
Maritime boundaries across contexts 2019, Østhagen, Andreas
Why Norway and the US have different approaches towards their Arctic regions 2018, High North News: Bye, Hilde; Østhagen, Andreas
Det nye havet ('The New Ocean') 2018, Dagsavisen: Østhagen, Andreas
Blue economy? What now? 2018, Østhagen, Andreas
Partners or Rivals? Norway and the EU in the Arctic 2018, Østhagen, Andreas
The domestic dimensions of fisheries disputes 2018, Østhagen, Andreas
Where in the Arctic the E.U. Should Invest 2017, News Deeply: Østhagen, Andreas
Utilising Local Capacities in the Arctic 2017, High North News: Østhagen, Andreas
Utilising Local Capacities 2017, Østhagen, Andreas
A New Canadian what? 2016, The Arctic Institute: Volum June 20 Sharp, Gregory; Østhagen, Andreas
A Quick Start Guide to Arctic Security 2016, Østhagen, Andreas
Canada og Norge i nordområdene og Nato 2016, IFS Insight: Volum 2016 Østhagen, Andreas; Hilde, Paal Sigurd
Det er mer enn bare cruiseskip i Arktis 2016, High North News: Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic Security: Thaw or Re-Freeze? 2016, On Track: Volum 21 s. 23-27 Østhagen, Andreas
Coast Guard Co-operation in a Changing Arctic 2015, Østhagen, Andreas; Gastaldo, Vanessa
Arctic Security: Hype, Nuances and Dilemmas 2015, The Arctic Institute: Østhagen, Andreas
Hvorfor bryr EU seg om Nord-Norge? 2015, Tja til EU: Østhagen, Andreas
Nye utfordringer i nord: Kystvakten i nordområdene 2014, Østhagen, Andreas
Coast Guards in the Arctic – Troubles Ahead? 2014, The Arctic Institute: Østhagen, Andreas
Arctic oil and gas: The role of regions 2013, Østhagen, Andreas
Why We Aren’t Ready for an Active Arctic 2013, Open Canada: Østhagen, Andreas
A New Security Architecture for the Arctic 2012, Conley, Heather A.; Kraut, Jamie; Toland, Terry; Østhagen, Andreas