Andrey Mineev
Nord University Business School
International Cooperation in the Arctic 2035 – The Four Scenarios Global Development in the Arctic : International Cooperation for the Future 2022, Routledge: s. 1-29 Mineev, Andrey; Dietz, Jan; Nore, Petter; Vakulchuk, Roman; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
Global Development in the Arctic : International Cooperation for the Future 2022, Routledge: Mineev, Andrey; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Mellemvik, Frode
International Cooperation for
Global Development :
What Can We Learn from The Arctic? Global Development in the Arctic : International Cooperation for the Future 2022, Routledge: s. 267-278 Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Mellemvik, Frode; Mineev, Andrey
Implementering av FNs bærekraftsmål i det norske Arktis: et fiks ferdig rammeverk? 2020, Magma forskning og viten: s. 74-85 Mineev, Andrey; Timochenko, Konstantin Yurievich; Zhurova, Elena; Middleton, Alexandra
Verdiskapning i nordområdene – hvordan kan den måles? | Value creation in the High North – How can it be measured? | 2019, Praktisk økonomi & finans: Volum 35 s. 212-230 Timochenko, Konstantin Yurievich; Mineev, Andrey
CIRCUMPOLAR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT – THE PARADOX OF GOVERNANCE? The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics 2019 2019, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 143-155 Mineev, Andrey; Dybtsyna, Elena; Mellemvik, Frode
Framing the High North: The role of socio-economic information 2019, Barents Studies: Volum 6 s. 105-133 Bakkemo, Peter Danilov; Mineev, Andrey
Social Capital at Work: A Case of Adapting a Norwegian Cooperation Model in Russia 2015, Journal of East-West Business: Volum 21 s. 129-155 Mineev, Andrei; Bourmistrov, Anatoli
Research on Socio-Economic Development of the Arctic Regions: A Multidisciplinary Approach 2021, Арктика и Север: Volum 42 s. 5-12 Timochenko, Konstantin Yurievich; Mineev, Andrey
Implementing the United Nations SDGs in the Arctic: A Comparative Study of Norway and Russia 2021, Mineev, Andrey; Timochenko, Konstantin Yurievich; Middleton, Alexandra
Special Issue Call for Papers from The Arctic & North Journal
2019, Timochenko, Konstantin Yurievich; Mineev, Andrey
Business Index North 2019, Nord universitet: Middleton, Alexandra; Bullvåg, Erlend; Mineev, Andrey; simonen, Jaakko; Hersinger, Anders; Pesämaa, Ossi
What are the business opportunities
and development challenges in the
Arctic? 2018, Baltic Rim Economies: Middleton, Alexandra; Mineev, Andrey
Business Index North 2017, Mineev, Andrey
North-Norwegian case of networking 2016, Mineev, Andrey
Business Index North 2016, Mineev, Andrey
Business Index North 2016, Mineev, Andrey
Business Index North 2016, Mineev, Andrey
Norsk samarbeid på russisk 2015, High North News: Mineev, Andrei
Management of business relationships 2015, Mineev, Andrei
Business relationships and networking 2015, Mineev, Andrei
Hva er egentlig Energiklyngen Nord? 2014, Mineev, Andrei
Network formation, legitimacy and management control 2014, Mineev, Andrei