Employee photo: Elisabeth Hansen Tømmerbakken

Elisabeth Hansen Tømmerbakken

Associate Professor
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Study location
Bodø, Hovedbygning 3439

Allmennlærerutdanning (2003), Master of Science (2005), 1.lektor helse, med dr. Philos/PhD (2012), Post Doc (2015-2017), Studierektor Mittuniversitetet.

Docent i helsevitenskap Mittuniversitetet Sverige.

Meritert underviser i Idrettsvitenskap Mittuniversitetet Sverige.

Jobber som 1.amanuensis i pedagogikk. Koordinator for Master (5.år) grunnskole lærerutdanning, veileder, emne ansvar, underviser, reviewer, kommisjonsarbeid, forsker, publiserer og presenterer forskning ved Internasjonale konferanser, session leader conference, panel member conference, fagbokforfatter.

PhD Veiledningskurs, kurs i Universitetspedagogikk, pedagogisk portefølje, skriveløftet.

Undervisning og emne ansvar: Vitenskapsteori, Forskningsmetode; Kvalitativ og Kvantitativ, Rektorutdanning; lederskap, coaching and organisation på Masternivå. Experience pedagogy, psykososialt læringsmiljø, motivasjon, pedagogikk, fysisk aktivitet og livsmestring, pedagogikk og elevkunnskap, idrett og helse, helsefremmende arbeidsliv, praktisk lederskap, lederskap og læring, fysisk aktivitet, mental og fysisk trening i Teaterutdanningen.

Veiledning på alle nivå. Studenter som skriver sin Master i Lærerutdanningen, Master i Tilpasset opplæring, Rektorutdanningen, Master by Reserach i Helsevitenskap, Folkehelse, Rehabiliterings-vitenskap og i Idrettsvitenskap.


Vitenskaplige artikler i internasjonale tidskrifter (peer review)

Avhandling (Dr.Philos, med dr./PhD)

Hansen E. (2012). The significance of resistance training and psychobiology in primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes among people with impaired glucose tolerance. Institutt for Nevromedisin, Det Medisinske Fakultet NTNU, Trondheim

1. Hansen E, Landstad BJ, Gundersen KT, Svebak S. The relative importance of aerobic capacity, physical activity and body mass index in impaired glucose tolerance and Type 2 diabetes. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, OA-publication, 2012; (3).

2. Hansen E, Landstad BJ, Hellzén O, Svebak S. Motivation for lifestyle changes to improve health in people with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Epub 2010 Dec 22th; 2011; 25(3):484-90.’

3. Hansen E, Landstad BJ, Gundersen KT, Torjesen PA, Svebak S. Insulin Sensitivity after Maximal and Endurance Resistance Training. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012; 26(2): 327–34.

4. Hansen E, Landstad BJ, Brönn R, Gundersen KT, Svebak S. Exercise-induced changes in body fat, upper leg skeletal muscle area, BMI and body weight in overweight people with risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis, 2011; (17): 66-79.

5. Hansen E, Gundersen KT, Svebak S. Are psychological characteristics of importance to biological effects of resistance training in primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes? Manuscript submitted for publication (2013). (Re-organized, published 2017).

Vitenskaplige artikler etter doktoravhandlingsarbeidet

6. **Hansen E., Sund ER., Skjei Knudtsen M., Krokstad S., Lingaas Holmen T. 2015. Cultural activity participation and associations with self-perceived health, life-satisfaction and mental health. The Young HUNT Study, Norway. BMC Public Health, 15:544

7. **Hansen, E. & Krokstad, S. 2016. Kulturaktivitet, selvopplevd helse, tilfredshet med livet, selvfølelse og mental helse. – Ung HUNT studien. Best Practice ApS Danmark: Psykiatri/Nevrologi i Norge, nr. 25

8. **Hansen E., Landstad BJ, Gundersen KT. 2016. Resistance training in People at Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes and Their Experience of Health-Related Quality of Life. Health, 8, 1323-1334

Vitenskaplige artikler i postdoktor arbeidet

9. **Hansen E., Landstad BJ., Gundersen KT, Vinberg, S. 2016. Leader-based workplace health interventions – a before-after study in Norwegian and Swedish small-scale enterprises. International Journal of Disability Management, 11: 1-14

10. **Hansen E., Björklund, G., Vinberg, S. 2016. Workplace health interventions and physical fitness status among managers of small-scale enterprises in Norway and Sweden. Health, 8, 1697-1712

11. **Hansen, E., Gundersen, KT., Svebak, S. 2017. Sense of humor and general life satisfaction in association with the biological effects of resistance training in people with IGT. Health, 9, 870-882

12. **Vinberg, S, Hansen, E., Hedlund, M., Landstad, BJ. 2017. Ambiguity among Managers in Small-Scale enterprises: How to Handle Business and Workplace Health Management. Societies, 7, 31

Vitenskapelige artikler publisert etter postdoktor arbeidet

13. ** *Hansen, E., Norden, H., & Lund Ohlsson, M. (2021). Adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) and their perceptions of, and motivation for, physical activity and organized sports. Sport, Education and Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2021.1969909

14. Oskarsson, J., Fjellström, S., Hansen, E., Ohlsson, M. (2022). Differences in Special Olympics athletes and non-athletes with intellectual disability – physical activity, strength and aerobic fitness. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (EUJAPA)

15. Fjellström, S., Hansen, E., Holtta, J., Zingmark, M., & Ohlsson, M.L. (2022). Web‐based training intervention to increase physical activity level and improve health for adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research

16. Fjellström, S., Hölttä, J., Nordström, A., Flygare-Wallén, Eva., Lund Ohlsson, M., & Hansen, E. (2023). Increasing physical activity through a web-based exercise program for people with intellectual disabilities - Support staff are crucial for feasibility. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

17. Fjellström, S., Oskarsson, J, Hansen Tømmerbakken, E., Nordström, A., & Lund Ohlsson, M. (2024). Difference in balance capacity for Special Olympics athletes and non-athletes with intellectual disabilities. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity 2023, 16, 14; doi: 10.5507/euj.2023.005

18. Hansen Tømmerbakken E., Holtta, J., Vikberg, S., Jong, M., & Ohlsson, M.L. I am able, livelier and stronger - Perceptions from adults with intellectual disability participating in a web-based physical activity intervention. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (in review: EUJAPA, 2024)

19. Ohlsson, M.L., & Hansen Tømmerbakken, E. Physical activity and health outcomes form a web-based training intervention for adults with intellectual disability – 1 year after (work in progress, 2024)

20. Hansen Tømmerbakken, E., Vikberg, S., & Ohlsson, M.L. Opportunity for, and level of, physical activity among children with disability. Reflections from the parents’ perspective. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (work in progress 2024)

21. Vikberg, S., Hansen Tømmerbakken, E., & Ohlsson, M.L. The level of physical activity among children with disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (work in progress 2025)

23. McGuirk, E.S., Strand Ulla, J., Edvardsen, M., & Hansen Tømmerbakken, E. Profesjonsfellesskap i lærerutdanningen (work in progress, Frontiers 2025)