Employee photo: Gry Agnete Alsos

Gry Agnete Alsos

Nord University Business School
Study location
Bodø, Hovedbygget, A222
Areas of expertise
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business policy, Business Administration, Gender, Education, Leadership

Alsos is a professor and expert with a passion for research, education, and community building within innovation and entrepreneurship.

She is currently serving as the Dean of the Nord University Business School since 2021.

Alsos has been with the Nord University Business School since 2011, previously serving as Vice Dean, Program Director for the PhD program, and Head of the Engage - Centre for Engaged Education through Entrepreneurship (https://engage-centre.no) at Nord University (2017-2020). She came from the position as CEO of Nordlands Research Institute (2007-2011), where she also has worked as researcher for many years


Academically, Alsos has expertise in entrepreneurship, innovation, and related policy areas. She has studied business sartups in agriculture, tourism, and high technology environments, examined conditions for innovation in small businesses, larger companies, and in the public sector. She has also focused on the significance of gender for entrepreneurship and innovation in various contexts and family businesses.

Throughout her career, Alsos has gained experience from a wide range of other activities, including membership in public committees, boards, and interest organizations within the research and education sector both nationally and internationally. Currently, she is the Chair of the Norwegian Better Regulation Council (https://regelradet.no), an independent body that aims to increase value creation by ensuring that businesses are not burdened with unnecessary costs from new or amended regulations. She is also a member of the Norwegian Research Council’s portfolio board for innovation, and a board member of Rana Development Company.

Alsos teaches at the master and PhD level , mainly in entrepreneurship and innovation. I also supervise master students and PhD candidates on their thesis work.

My research is mainly within entrepreneurship and innovation, including areas such as business establishment processes, effectuation, gender perspectives on entrepreneurship and innovation, incubators and government tools, as well as entrepreneurship education.

I am currently involved in the following research projects:

A Cross-Cultural Examination of Investor Behaviour – the influence of gendered understandings 2023, Nord universitet: Lindvert, Marta; Breivik-Meyer, Marit; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Balkmar, Dag; Benedik, Tina; Callerstig, Anne-Charlott
The Gender Gap in Entrepreneurial Careers: The Role of Relative Pay Off from Entrepreneurship 2022, Aadland, Torgeir; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Politis, Diamanto; Stockhaus, Martin; Williams-Middleton, Karen
Bandwidth Issues: Exploring the Influence of Gender on Connectivity in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems 2022, Alsos, Gry Agnete; McAdam, Maura; Heilbrunn, Sibylle; Breivik-Meyer, Marit; Balkmar, Dag; Callerstig, Anne-Charlott
Contextualizing Gender Policy in Tech Entrepreneurship: A Cross National and Multilevel Analysis 2022, Callerstig, Anne-Charlott; Lindvert, Marta; Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Balkmar, Dag; Breivik-Meyer, Marit
New Venture Team Learning: The development of learning behaviors in the venture creation process 2020, Steira, Iselin Kristine Mauseth; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Steinmo, Marianne Terese; Corbett, Andrew
"Kvinnekrise" i Nord Norsk reiseliv 2020, Avisa Nordland: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Hoarau-Heemstra, Hindertje; Wigger, Karin Andrea
Cross-cultural Variations in Technological Ecosystems, a Gender Perspective 2020, Heilbrunn, Sibylle; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Arntzen-Nordqvist, Marianne; Balkmar, Dag; Callerstig, Anne-Charlott; Delaney, Des
A new scale for measuring effectuation and causation: A multi-country validation 2019, Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Mauer, René; Solvoll, Sølvi
Team formation in Student-led ventures 2019, Mauseth, Iselin Kristine; Alsos, Gry Agnete
ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN NEW VENTURE TEAMS – A SITUATED LEARNING PERSPECTIVE 2019, Mauseth, Iselin Kristine; Steinmo, Marianne Terese; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Corbett, Andrew Coleman
Resource mobilizations for temporary opportunities 2018, Wigger, Karin Andrea; Alsos, Gry Agnete
When Experience Is not Enough: On the Role of Entrepreneurial Expertise for Effectual and Causal Behavior 2018, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Mauer, Rene; Solvoll, Sølvi
Funding new ventures: Balancing legitimacy building processes between financing audiences 2018, Arntzen-Nordqvist, Marianne; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Sørheim, Roger
Strategies for managing work-life balance challenges among male and female entrepreneurs 2018, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine; Carter, Sara; Jørstad, Mariell
TEAM FORMATION IN STUDENT LED VENTURES 2018, Mauseth, Iselin Kristine; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Situated Learning within the entrepreneurial opportunity development process of new venture teams 2018, Mauseth, Iselin Kristine; Steinmo, Marianne Terese; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Corbett, Andrew Coleman
Strategies for managing work-life balance challenges among female and male entrepreneurs 2017, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine; Carter, Sara; Jørstad, Mariell
Disentangling the Role of Experience and Expertise in the Context of Effectuation and Causation 2017, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Mauer, Rene; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Solvoll, Sølvi
Resource mobilization for temporary opportunities 2017, Wigger, Karin Andrea; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Niqab eller ikke niqab? 2017, Universitetsavisa: Ellingsen, Tanja; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Zhao, Yan; Kobberstad, Johanne Hansen; Dankertsen, Astri; Kristiansen, Tone Gunn Stene
Entrepreneurial opportunities in the public sector 2016, Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Gullmark, Petter
Women, family, and entrepreneurship: Strategies for managing work-life balance challenges 2016, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine; Carter, Sara; Jørstad, Mariell
Competence or context? Exploring the relationship of expertise, uncertainty and effectual behavior 2016, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Mauer, Rene; Solvoll, Sølvi
Characteristics of opportunities and exploitation in closed and open innovation 2015, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Wigger, Karin Andrea
Women growth entrepreneurs and their strategies for work-life balance 2015, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Carter, Sara; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Johnsen, Mariell Opdahl
Three ways of claiming the family business - Women taking over family businesses 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Heinonen, Jarna; Hytti, Ulla; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Challenges perceived by female entrepreneurs during business start-up and growth 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Bulanova, Oxana; Kolvereid, Lars; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Towards a better measurement scale of causation and effectuation 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Solvoll, Sølvi
Entreprenørskap i Norge 2013 - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014, Nord universitet: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Isaksen, Espen; Åmo, Bjørn Willy; Bullvåg, Erlend
Innovation among public sector organizations: The role of push and pull factors 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Isaksen, Espen
Three ways of claiming the family business: Daughters as successors 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Heinonen, Jarna; Hytti, Ulla; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Næringshagemiljøene sett fra næringshagebedriftene 2014, Waldahl, Ragnhild Holmen; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Entrepreneurial families and households 2013, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Entreprenørskap i Norge 2012 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013, Nord universitet: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Bullvåg, Erlend; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn Willy
Entrepreneurial Families and Households 2013, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Carter, Sara
Gender and innovation: Towards a research framework 2013, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Tourism Entrepreneurship- Review and Future Direction 2013, Solvoll, Sølvi; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Bulanova, Oxana
Kjønn og innovasjon | Gender and innovation - Learning from regional VRI-projects | 2010, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Amble, Nina; Ervik, Ragna M.L.; Kvidal, Trine; Wiik, Ragnhild
Eierskapets geografi: Kvinner og menns bedrifter 2010, Steen Jensen, R; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Urealistisk kvinnepolitikk 2010, Avisa Nordland: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Steen Jensen, R; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Hyggelig visjon 2010, Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.): Alsos, Gry Agnete; Steen Jensen, R; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Organisert stream på "Entrepreneurship, innovation and growth" 2010, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Hytti, U; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Tillmar, M
Gendering innovation: A research agenda 2010, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Styrket samarbeid mellom forskningsinstitutter, universiteter og høgskoler 2010, Forskningspolitikk: Volum 4 s. 20-21 Skurdal, Jostein; Digernes, Torbjørn; Holden, Lars; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Hyllseth, Berit; Jordfald, Gunnar
Gender ownership and local culture 2009, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Gender and innovation: Conceptualization of concepts 2009, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Gender differences in rates of business exit 2009, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Carter, S; Ljunggren, Elisabet
The dynamic capability concept and its operationalization 2007, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, Odd Jarl; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Madsen, Einar Lier
Developing Entrepreneurial Orientation - The Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Intangible Resources 2007, Madsen, Einar Lier; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, O J; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Community entrepreneurship- the entrepreneurial process and resource acquisition 2007, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, Odd Jarl; Førde, Anniken; Rønning, Lars; Vestrum, Ingebjørg
Evaluering av SkatteFUNNs adferdsaddisjonalitet. Har SkatteFUNN ført til endret FoU-adferd i bedriftene? 2007, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Madsen, Einar Lier
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2006, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Alsos, Gry; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Developing entrepreneurial orientation - The role of dynamic capabilities and intangible resources 2006, Madsen, Einar Lier; Alsos, Gry; Borch, Odd Jarl; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Brastad, Bjørn
Developing entrepreneurial Orientation in SMEs 2006, Madsen, Einar Lier; Alsos, Gry; Borch, Odd Jarl; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Brastad, Bjørn
Youth enterprise experience and business start-up intentions 2006, Alsos, Gry; Isaksen, Espen John; Søfting, E.
SkatteFUNN og bedriftene. Kartlegging av bedriftene ved opstart av skatteFUNN-prosjektet 2006, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Brastad, Bjørn; Madsen, Einar Lier; Alsos, Gry
Kommuneprosjektet -underveisevaluering av pilotprosjekt for lokal næringsutvikling 2006, Borch, Odd Jarl; Nilsen, John Martin; Rønning, Lars; Johansen, Helene P.M.; Johansen, Helene P.M.; Alsos, Gry
Developing entrepreneurial orientation. The role of dynamic capabilities and intangible resources 2006, Madsen, Einar Lier; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, O J; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Brastad, Bjørn
Flere og bedre bedriftsetableringer? Evaluering av Innovasjon Norges stipendordninger 1999-2005 2006, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Brastad, Bjørn; Iakovleva, Tatiana; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2003, Kolvereid, Lars; Alsos, Gry
What triggers the start-up of new business activities? 2003, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Pettersen, Liv Toril
Innovasjonspolitikk med skylapper? 2003, Dagens næringsliv: Madsen, Einar Lier; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete
Havbruksnæringa fra et regionalt ståsted – Verdiskaping og utvikling i tilknytning til lakseoppdrett i Nordland 2003, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Karlsen, Asbjørn; Lindeløv, Bjarne; Pettersen, Liv Toril; Sandersen, Håkan; Øines, Torgeir
Bedriftsutvikling i distriktene 2000, Alsos, Gry; Borch, Odd Jarl
Gode råd er gratis. Evaluering av etablereroppfølging i Nordland 2000, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Brastad, Bjørn; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Realisere draumar - ikkje berre drøyme dei! 2000, Magnussen, Tone; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Brastad, Bjørn; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Gjertsen, Arild
Bare småpenger til damene? 1999, Nordlands framtid: Pettersen, Liv Toril; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Kvinnesatsingen i distriktspolitikken – metoder og datainnsamling 1999, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Gjertsen, Arild
Myter om gründerkvinner 1999, Dagens næringsliv: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Kvinnesatsing i distriktspolitikken - metoder og datainnsamling 1999, Pettersen, Liv Toril; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Anvik, Cecilie Høj; Gjertsen, Arild; Iveland, Monica; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Blir det arbeidsplasser av dette da, jenter? 1999, Pettersen, Liv Toril; Alsos, Gry Agnete; Anvik, Cecilie Høj; Gjertsen, Arild; Ljunggren, Elisabet
050 33840 Evaluering av grønn linje for etablerere 1993, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Jenssen, Svenn Are; Ljunggren, Elisabet