Line Kolås
Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Areas of expertise
E-learning, ICT, Educational Research, Pfdk
Use Of Infographics As A Tool And Teaching Method In Student Research Projects BEING SEA-EU CONFERENCE
Abstract Booklet, first edition Malta 2024, Multidisciplinary conference, University of Malta 10th to 12th June, 2024 2024, s. 283-283 Lindgaard, Oddlaug Marie; Kolås, Line; Olsen, Ninni Anita Rotmo
Infographics as Research Tool - to Clarify ideas, for Categorization, Iterations, Reflections and as Interaction tool Innovation in Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards 2024 An Anthology of Case Histories 2024, Academic Publishing International: s. 41-58 Lindgaard, Oddlaug Marie; Kolås, Line; Olsen, Ninni Anita Rotmo
A Conflict Management Game in Project-based Learning 2023, Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL): Volum 17 s. 443 -451 Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line; Palmquist, Adam
Systematic literature review as a digital collaborative research-like learning activity: a case study 2023, Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education: Ryan, Anne Wally ; Kolås, Line; Nilsen, Anders Grov; Almås, Aslaug Grov
Infographics as an analysis tool in student research. 2023, NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning: Kolås, Line; Lindgaard, Oddlaug Marie; Olsen, Ninni Anita Rotmo
Progression of tool usage in project-based IT courses 2020, Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference: Szynkiewicz, Justyna; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Interactive Virtual Field Trips 2020, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia: Volum 29 s. 323-329 Kolås, Line; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Hoem, Jon Øivind; Nygård, Ståle André; Holand, Ivar Svare
Female Students’ Reflections for Inclusive Physical Learning Environments EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 860-873 Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold; Szynkiewicz, Justyna; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Interactive Virtual Field Trips EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 556-566 Kolås, Line; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Hoem, Jon Øivind; Nygård, Ståle André; Holand, Ivar Svare
NordHunt – gamification for a smooth start of university life EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2018 2018, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 1180-1189 Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo; Nygård, Ståle André; Skevik, Trond Olav
Læringsmål, læringsaktiviteter og vurdering i prosjektbaserte emner 2018, NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi: Volum 26 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Nordseth, Hugo
Learning through construction in IT courses 2017, NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi: Volum 25 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Nygård, Ståle André
Learning with educational apps - A qualitative study of the most popular free apps in Norway 2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET),ITHET 2016, September 8-10, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey 2016, IEEE conference proceedings: Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo; Munkvold, Robin
Teachers’ Experiences Using KODU as a Teaching Tool
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Games-Based Learning 2015, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited: s. 416-422 Nygård, Ståle Andre; Kolås, Line; Sigurdardottir, Helga
Active Students in Webinars Proceedings of the 11th international Conference on mobile Learning 2015, Madeira, Portugal March 14-16, 2015 2015, IADIS Press: s. 79-86 Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo; Yri, Jørgen Sørlie
Evaluation and Categorization of Educational Videos Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 2012, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education: s. 648-657 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
”Low-effort” use of mobile technologies and video in the classroom Ed-media 2011 : world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia & telecommunications 2011, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 3043-3050 Kolås, Line; Brørs, Kjell Helge; Eide, Kurt Ole; Nordseth, Hugo; Solsem, Sissel Marie
Social interaction types experienced among preschool children (age 3-5) using touch screen technology Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (2010) 2010, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 2365-2372 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Thorshaug, Arve
The E-learning Circle – a holistic software design tool for e-learning 2010, E-learning and Education: Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid
Implementation of pedagogical principles into the software design process of e-learning applications 2010, Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid; Skramstad, Torbjørn; Vavik, Lars Ingebrigt
Learning in an ambient intelligent environment : towards modelling learners through stereotypes 2008, Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information: Volum 22 s. 569-588 Kofod-Petersen, Anders; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Bye, Gunhild Griff; Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid
Learning in an Ambient Intelligent Environment - Towards Modelling Learners through Stereotypes | Learning in an Ambient Intelligent Environment - Towards Modelling Learners through Stereotypes | 2008, Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information: Volum 22 s. 569-588 Kofod-Petersen, Anders; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Bye, Gunhild Griff; Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid
The QUIS Requirement Specification of a next generation e-learning system IADIS International conference proceedings E-learning 2007 Volume II 2007, IADIS Press: s. 188-193 Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid; Sterbini, Andrea; Temperini, Marco
Use Of Infographics As A Tool And Teaching Method In Student Research Projects 2024, Lindgaard, Oddlaug Marie; Kolås, Line; Olsen, Ninni Anita Rotmo
Infografikk som verktøy og metode i studentforskning. 2024, Lindgaard, Oddlaug Marie; Kolås, Line
Excited Miniprojects 2023 - Infograpics as Analysis tool in Student Research 2023, Olsen, Ninni Anita Rotmo; Kolås, Line; Lindgaard, Oddlaug Marie
Kunstig intelligens i høyere utdanning 2023, Kolås, Line; Ryan, Anne Wally
Hvordan forske på egen undervisning? 2023, Kolås, Line
Pedagogisk onboarding 2023, Kolås, Line
A Conflict Management Game in Project-based Learning 2023, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Læringsdesign 2022, Kolås, Line
Digital pedagogikk etter pandemien 2022, Kolås, Line
Spillbasert læring og konflikthåndtering 2021, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Forskningsbasert undervisning 2021, Ryan, Anne Wally ; Kolås, Line
Interactive Virtual Field Trips 2020, Kolås, Line; Eriksen, Lasse Frost; Hoem, Jon Øivind; Nygård, Ståle André; Holand, Ivar Svare
Female Students’ Reflections for Inclusive Physical Learning Environments 2020, Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Szynkiewicz, Justyna; Kolås, Line
Kodet katapulter og dansende engler 2019, Gifstad, Lornts Eirik Gifstad; Kolås, Line
Prosjektbasert læring 2019, Kolås, Line
Forskning på egen undervisning 2019, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment in project-based courses 2018, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Satser på jentene 2017, Valebjørg, Emilie; Sindre, Guttorm; Kolås, Line
Studenter som forskningsteam 2017, Kolås, Line
Learning through construction in IT courses 2017, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Learning through construction 2017, Kolås, Line
Erfaringer med interaktive moduler i en MOOC 2017, Norgesuniversitetets skriftserie: Volum 2017 s. 95-106 Hoem, Jon Øivind; Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo
Interactive modules in a MOOC 2016, Nordseth, Hugo; Kolås, Line; Hoem, Jon
Learning with educational apps 2016, Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo; Munkvold, Robin
Forsker-date, innslag i God Ettermiddag Trøndelag 2016, Kolås, Line; Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke
Teachers’ Experiences Using KODU as a Teaching Tool 2015, Nygård, Ståle Andre; Kolås, Line; Sigurdardottir, Helga
Active Students in Webinars 2015, Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo
Evaluation and Categorization of Educational Videos 2012, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
Evaluation of EPE videos in different phases of a learning process 2012, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
"Snarfilm" som pedagogisk verktøy 2011, Kolås, Line
Digital kompetanse gjennom internasjonalt samarbeid 2011, Nordseth, Hugo; Gray, Bill; Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Skavhaug, Trygve Wicklund; Thorshaug, Arve
Social interaction types experienced among preschool children (age 3-5) using touch screen technology 2010, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Thorshaug, Arve
Bruk av It's learning ved NTNU - Bruk av It's learning ved NTNU 2008, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet: Kolås, Line; Hokstad, Leif Martin; Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr
IKT i barnehagen 2007, Munkvold, Robin; Kolås, Line
The QUIS requirement Specificaation of a next generation e-learning system 2007, Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid; Sterbini, Andrea; Temperini, Marco
QUIS requirement specification for a next generation e-learning system 2007, Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid
A personalized E-learning Interface 2007, Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid
Online interactive learning arena over the internet 2007, Staupe, Arvid; Kolås, Line
Mobile Tutoring - distributed interactive learning arena with synchronous video and audio 2007, Staupe, Arvid; Kolås, Line
The PLExus Prototype: A PLE realized as Topic maps 2007, Kolås, Line; Staupe, Arvid
IKT og læring : kompendium i faget "Datastøttet læring" 2001, Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag: Eidsmo, Arnstein; Kolås, Line
Bruk av IKT i læringsprosessen 1999, Kolås, Line