Robin Isfold Munkvold
Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Study location
Levanger, B Hovedbygget, 3111
Areas of expertise
Databases, Digital media, User experience
Game Lab Innovations in Education: Insights from a Board Game Design Project 2024, Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL): Volum 18 Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold
Students as developers of educational tools: What educational challenges do they address and which learning approaches do they implement? 2024, NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning: Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Palmquist, Adam
Blended Realities - Higher Education Student Reflections on Acquiring Skills for Game Creation in a Project-Based- and Blended Learning Environment 2024, Games: Research and Practice: Volum 3 s. 2-26 Palmquist, Adam; Alves, Joana; Baranyi, Rene; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Carvalho, Vítor; Oliveira, Eva
A Conflict Management Game in Project-based Learning 2023, Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL): Volum 17 s. 443 -451 Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line; Palmquist, Adam
Does behaviour match user typologies? An exploratory cluster analysis of behavioural data from a gamified fitness platform 2022, CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Volum 3147 s. 105-114 Krath, Jeanine; Palmquist, Adam; Jedel, Izabella Alexandra Victor; Barbopoulos, Isak; Helmefalk, Miralem; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Gamification Design Predicaments for E-learning 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): Volum 12790 s. 245-255 Palmquist, Adam; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Goethe, Ole
An Industry Experiment of Academic Performance and Drop-Out in Gamified Distance Education 2021, CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Volum 2883 s. 1-10 Jedel, Izabella Alexandra Victor; Palmquist, Adam; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Goethe, Ole; Jonasdottir, Hrafnhildur; Olsson, Erik Martin
Progression of tool usage in project-based IT courses 2020, Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference: Szynkiewicz, Justyna; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Female Students’ Reflections for Inclusive Physical Learning Environments EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 860-873 Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold; Szynkiewicz, Justyna; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
What Prevents Teachers From Using Games and Gamification Tools in Nordic Schools? Interactivity, game creation, design, learning, and innovation:7th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2018, and 3rd EAI International Conference, DLI 2018, ICTCC 2018, Braga, Portugal, October 24-26, 2018, Proceedings 2019, Springer: s. 472-484 Brooks, Eva; Gissurardóttir, Salvör Kristjana; Jonsson, Bjarki Thor; Kjartansdottir, Skulina; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Nordseth, Hugo
Norwegian Game-Based Learning Practices – Age, Gender,
Game-Playing and DGBL 2018, Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL): Volum 2018-October s. 460-468 Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold
Læringsmål, læringsaktiviteter og vurdering i prosjektbaserte emner 2018, NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi: Volum 26 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Nordseth, Hugo
Project-based learning in IT education : definitions and qualities 2018, UNIPED: Volum 41 s. 147-163 Sindre, Guttorm; Giannakos, Michail; Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Aalberg, Trond
Learning through construction in IT courses 2017, NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi: Volum 25 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Nygård, Ståle André
Learning with educational apps - A qualitative study of the most popular free apps in Norway 2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET),ITHET 2016, September 8-10, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey 2016, IEEE conference proceedings: Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo; Munkvold, Robin
The predator game: A web based resource and a digital board game for lower grade school, focusing on the four biggest predators in Norway Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Games-Based Learning 2015, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited: s. 395-401 Munkvold, Robin; Curda, Gregory Joseph; Sigurdardottir, Helga
Evaluation and Categorization of Educational Videos Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 2012, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education: s. 648-657 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
Social interaction types experienced among preschool children (age 3-5) using touch screen technology Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (2010) 2010, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): s. 2365-2372 Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Thorshaug, Arve
Tools for peer assessment in an e-learning environment 2010, - Media, technology and lifelong learning: Volum 6 s. 324-338 Nordseth, Hugo; Ekker, Sonja; Munkvold, Robin
Students as developers of educational tools: What educational challenges do they address and which learning approaches do they implement? 2024, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Palmquist, Adam
A Conflict Management Game in Project-based Learning 2023, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Seminar for teachers - teaching Game development educations ni Norway 2022, Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Gamification in Education - Cards of Conflict 2022, Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Spillbasert læring og konflikthåndtering 2021, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Keynote: Implementing Serious Games in the classroom- different pedagogical approaches 2021, Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Forprosjekt om bruk av VR-teknologi i føreropplæringen. Sluttrapport. 2020, Nord universitet: Marinelli, Giuseppe; Robertsen, Kåre; Simsekoglu , Ozlem; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Robertsen, Rolf; Skevik, Trond Olav
Female Students’ Reflections for Inclusive Physical Learning Environments 2020, Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Szynkiewicz, Justyna; Kolås, Line
Workshop - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun-damental IT-skills, for teachers at a local school 2019, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold
Learning through Construction Game lab - a practical learning approach 2019, Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Seminar for elever - kvinnelige rollemodeller verktøy for programmering og spillutvikling 2019, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold
Workshop - Micro:bit og kvinnelige rollemodeller, med elever fra lokal skole 2019, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold
Forskning på egen undervisning 2019, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Kolås, Line
Norwegian Game-Based Learning Practices – Age, Gender,
Game-Playing and DGBL 2018, Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Sigurdardottir, Helga Dis Isfold
Learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment in project-based courses 2018, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Game lab – a practical learning approach for Game Development 2017, Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Learning through construction in IT courses 2017, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin Isfold
Learning with educational apps 2016, Kolås, Line; Nordseth, Hugo; Munkvold, Robin
Project Thinking as a Strategy for University Education 2015, Sindre, Guttorm; Giannakos, Michail; Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke; Munkvold, Robin; Aalberg, Trond
Evaluation of EPE videos in different phases of a learning process 2012, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
Brukskvalitetstesting av verktøy for innfasing av tovegs strømmålere: DFA Workorder og DFA Admin 2012, Stene, Morten; Munkvold, Robin
Brukskvalitetstesting av verktøy for innfasing av toveis strømmålere: DFA Workorder og DFA Admin 2012, Stene, Morten; Munkvold, Robin
Evaluation and Categorization of Educational Videos 2012, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
Digital kompetanse gjennom internasjonalt samarbeid 2011, Nordseth, Hugo; Gray, Bill; Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Skavhaug, Trygve Wicklund; Thorshaug, Arve
Social interaction types experienced among preschool children (age 3-5) using touch screen technology 2010, Kolås, Line; Munkvold, Robin; Thorshaug, Arve
Bruk av støtteverktøy for medstudentvurdering 2010, Nordseth, Hugo; Ekker, Sonja; Munkvold, Robin
Verktøy for medstudentvurdering i lærerutdanningen 2010, Munkvold, Robin; Nordseth, Hugo
Nettbasert undervisning 2008, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget: Munkvold, Robin; Fjeldavli, Aida; Hjertø, Greta; Hjertø, Greta; Hole, Grete Oline
IKT i barnehagen 2007, Munkvold, Robin; Kolås, Line
NNU's road map to e-learning 2006, Munkvold, Robin; Risnes, Tor Åge; Hole, Grete Oline
Manual for nettpedagoger 2006, Munkvold, Robin; Fjeldavli, Aida; Hole, Grete Oline; Hjertø, Greta; Hjertø, Greta; Risnes, Tor Åge
Development of pedagogical best practices for e-learning : a professional collaboration 2006, Munkvold, Robin; Fjeldavli, Aida; Hjertø, Greta; Hjertø, Greta
Lesestimulering med videostøttet prosessveiledning 2005, Munkvold, Robin; Fjeldavli, Aida; Susegg, Brit Arna
Kvalitetskriterier i et e-læringsmiljø - en elektronisk manual 2004, Munkvold, Robin; Instefjord, Elen; Knudsen, Ida Margrethe; Tillerli, Karsten
Quality Assurance for Online Learning : an Online Manual 2004, Munkvold, Robin; Instefjord, Elen; Tillerli, Karsten
Kvalitetskriterier for nettbasert undervisning 2003, Munkvold, Robin; Kuvaas, Karen Margrethe; Knutsen, Ida Margrethe; Tillerli, Karsten; Estensen, Anita
End user computing support 2002, Munkvold, Robin
DO-IT, Distriktsorientert IT ; Sluttrapport fra forprosjekt i Interreg II, Norden Grønne Belte 2001, Nordseth, Hugo; Hjeltnes, Thorleif; Andersson, Bertil; Farbu, Arnt; Larsen, Bjørn Tore; Forss, Pär-Ove