Svein Olav Ulstad
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education and Arts
Study location
Levanger, G Nordlåna, 2103
Physical Activity and Depression/Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescents - the Young-HUNT Study 2022, Physical Activity and Health (PAAH): Volum 6 s. 73-85 Bjerkan, Marthe; Rangul, Vegar; Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav
Students’ personal desire for excitement and teachers’ autonomy support in outdoor activity: Links to passion, intrinsic motivation, and effort 2022, Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education: Volum 6 s. 61-80 Waaler, Rune; Halvari, Halgeir; Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav
Interessebasert kroppsøving Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven. Pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter 2021, Fagbokforlaget: s. 141-156 Lomsdal, Sondre Arntzen; Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav
Mestringsorientert klima – veien til høy innsats, indre motivasjon og karakter i kroppsøving 2020, Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO): Volum 14 Ulstad, Svein Olav; Valstadsve, Vegard Rønning; Skjesol, Knut
The Effect of Passion on Need Satisfaction and Vitality, Pressure and Effort among Mushers in Sled Dog Racing Dog Sledding in Norway:
Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives 2019, LIT Verlag: s. 249-275 Thomassen, Tor Oskar; Waaler, Rune; Ulstad, Svein Olav
Dog Sledding and Achievement Goal Theory Dog Sledding in Norway:
Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives 2019, LIT Verlag: s. 227-247 Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav
Motivational predictors of learning strategies, participation, exertion, and performance in physical education: A randomized controlled trial 2018, Motivation and Emotion: Volum 42 s. 497-512 Ulstad, Svein Olav; Halvari, Halgeir; Sørebø, Øystein; Deci, Edward
Motivation, Learning Strategies, and
Performance in Physical Education at
Secondary School 2016, Advances in Physical Education: Volum 6 s. 27-41 Ulstad, Svein Olav; Halvari, Hallgeir; Sørebø, Øystein; Deci, Edward
Autonomy support and its links to physical activity and competitive performance: Mediations through motivation, competence, action orientation and harmonious passion, and the moderator role of autonomy support by perceived competence 2009, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research: Volum 53 s. 533-555 Halvari, Hallgeir; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil; Skjesol, Knut
Learning or taking a break in physical education: Impact on need satisfaction, need frustration and academic performance 2023, Mehus, Ingar; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Woll, Lars; Ottosen, Marte; Reinaas Lysheim, Mari Helene
Friluftsaktiviteter hos folkehøgskoleelever- spenningssøking, lidenskap og autonomistøtte 2021, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Waaler, Rune; Skjesol, Knut
Læringsklima og dens påvirkning på viktige læringsindikatorer som indre motivasjon, innsats, kompetanse og karakterer i kroppsøving på videregående skole 2018, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Skjesol, Knut; Valstadsve, Vegard Rønning
Økning av timetallet, bruk av aldersblanding og valgmuligheter i kroppsøving 2018, Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Lomsdal, Sondre Arntzen
Lærers av oppfattelse av elevers selvrapporterte motivasjon i kroppsøving 2017, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Skjesol, Knut
Gla-Pakken. 3-årig prosjektet ved Inderøy ungdomsskole. 2015, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Skjesol, Knut; Henriksen, Bjørn Åge
Gla Pakken. Inderøy ungdomsskole 2015, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Skjesol, Knut
Autonomy Support, Motivation, and Performance at School 2014, Ulstad, Svein Olav
Autonomy support, motivation, and performance at school 2013, Ulstad, Svein Olav
Autonomy Support and Intrinsic Goal Progress Expectancy and Its Links to Longitudinal Study Effort and Subjective Well-Being: The Differential Mediating Effects of Intrinsic and Identified Regulations and the Moderator Effect of Effort 2013, Waaler, Rune; Bagøien, Tor Egil; Halvari, Halgeir; Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav
Tvangslidenskap 2012, Trønder-avisa: Bagøien, Tor-Egil; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Roaas, Truls Valland
Sammenhenger mellom selvbestemt motivasjon i kroppsøving, motivasjon for deltagelse i fysisk aktivitet i fritiden, fysisk aktivitet, og psykisk velvære 2012, Halvari, Hallgeir; Skjesol, Knut; Bagøien, Tor-Egil; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Nesheim, Hallgeir
Motivation in Physical Education and Leisure-Time Physical Activity: Testing a Self-Determination Theory Trans-Contextual Model of Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being 2010, Bagøien, Tor Egil; Skjesol, Knut; Halvari, Hallgeir; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Waaler, Rune
Hvordan påvirke elevers motivasjon positivt i kroppsøvingsundervisninga? 2009, Kroppsøving: Volum 59 s. 21 Skjesol, Knut; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil
Moderator Effects of Autonomous Motivation on the Relations between the Performance Approach Goal and, Respectively, Effort-related Outcomes, Performance and Subjective Well-being 2007, Halvari, Hallgeir; Aamodt, Ranveig; Austad, Linda; Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil
Perceived autonomy support, need satisfaction, autonomus motivation and perceived sport competence: their links to persistence, harmonic passion, involvement and performance 2006, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil; Skjesol, Knut; Halvari, Hallgeir
Perceived autonomy support, need satisfaction, autonomus motivation and perceived sport competence: their links to persistence, harmonic passion, involvement and performance [Book of] abstracts 2006, Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil; Skjesol, Knut; Halvari, Hallgeir
Moderator effects of autonomous motivation on the relations between the performance approach goal and, respectively, effort-related outcomes, performance and subjective emotional well-being 2006, Halvari, Hallgeir; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil; Skjesol, Knut; Solberg, Paul Andre
Moderator effects of autonomous motivation on the relations between the performance approach goal and, respectively, effort-related outcomes, performance and subjective emotional well-being Moderator effects of autonomous motivation on the relations between the performance approach goal and, respectively, effort-related outcomes, performance and subjective emotional well-being 2006, Halvari, Hallgeir; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Bagøien, Tor Egil; Skjesol, Knut; Solberg, Paul Andre