Sylvie Louise Bolla
Bakgrunn // Background
I hold a Docteur 3ème cycle from INP Toulouse in France on cytogenetic and electrophoretic characterization of brown trout and rainbow trout. A scholarship from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign affairs gave me the opportunity to take part in a project on triploidisation in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout at the University of Agriculture in Ås/Sunndalsøra (now NMBU). I have been involved in pioneer work on Atlantic halibut back in 1984 and have gained experience with other marine species since then. I also had two hatchery manager positions for salmon and turbot/halibut.
Kompetanseområder // Field of expertise
Lipid analyses
Marine juvenile production and broodstock management
Live feed production (microalgae, rotifers and Artemia)
Undervisning & Veiledning // Tuition, Lecturing & Supervision experiences
AK122 Aquaculture
AK123 Marine fish production
BI130 Histology and embryology, only embryology
AK224 bachelor thesis responsible
Forskningsinteresser // Research interests
Broodstock nutrition in relation to hepatic status and egg quality