Master of Biosciences: Specialisation in Aquaculture

Aquaculture encompasses breeding, rearing and processing of livestock, cultivation and harvesting of plants, in all aquatic environments.
Oppdrettsmærer i fjord

Aquaculture is one of the world's fastest growing food production sectors, accounting for almost 50 percent of global seafood stocks. The specialisation in aquaculture provides candidates with in-depth knowledge of the field.

Focus areas
Candidates can choose to focus on nutrition, fish physiology, fish health, quality and/or food safety. The master thesis will usually focus on themes such as reproduction, nutrition, fish health and welfare, or fillet quality. Candidates will conduct practical work in the university's research station in Mørkvedbukta, or in close cooperation with industry partners.

Master thesis
Candidates may choose when to write a 30 ECTS or 60 ECTS master's thesis. Those who choose to write a 30 ECTS will be able to take electives in fields such as finance and management, which are offered by other faculties at Nord University.

  • Knowledge
    The candidate:

    • has a general knowledge and overview of farmed species and farming practices worldwide
    • has advanced understanding of the ethical challenges of sustainability related to commercial aquaculture
    • has practical knowledge of relevant scientific methods and communication

    The candidate:

    • has the necessary skills for efficient retrieval, critical review and management of academic information related to aquaculture
    • is be able to use relevant reference tools, presentation techniques, and demonstrate scholarly writing skills
    • will from an academic point of view become skilled in different aspects of aquaculture research and be able to design an experiment.

    General competence
    The candidate:

    • can communicate about the main issues, challenges and solutions in aquaculture both with the industry, scientists and the general public
    • can apply basic research methods and academic communication skills of relevance for the completion of his/her master project
    • can exchange views and experiences with others involved in aquaculture research and thereby contribute to the continued development of good research practices
  • The Aquaculture Division researches issues related to biological conditions for further development of the Norwegian aquaculture industry. The aquaculture group's project portfolio extends from basic research, which seeks to understand biological mechanisms - to applied research projects together with the aquaculture industry.