Master of Biosciences: Specialisation in livestock science

The specialisation offers training that will the skills required to pursue a career within livestock industries.
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Satisfying future demands of food quality and quantity can be solved by the development and implementation of innovative concepts and ideas by well-qualified postgraduates, who can drive these developments in livestock science. 

Specifically, animal welfare, climate footprint, biodiversity, OneHealth, and rapidly developing high-tech and robotization are all areas that the livestock sector must relate to. In the master's specialisation in Livestock Science, you will work with such issues and learn more about both opportunities and challenges for the livestock industry in the future.

  • Knowledge

    • has a general knowledge and overview of livestock science and practices worldwide, with a focus on Nordic areas
    • has advanced understanding of the ethical challenges of sustainability related to livestock science and the agricultural industry
    • has practical knowledge of relevant scientific methods and communication


    • has the necessary skills for efficient retrieval, critical review and management of academic information related to livestock science
    • is be able to use relevant reference tools, presentation techniques, and demonstrate scholarly writing skills 
    • will from an academic point of view become skilled in different aspects of livestock science and be able to design an experiment.

    General competence

    • can communicate about the main issues, challenges and solutions in livestock science both with the industry, scientists and the general public
    • can apply basic research methods and academic communication skills of relevance for the completion of his/her master project
    • can exchange views and experiences with others involved in livestock science and thereby contribute to the continued development of good research practices
  • The research division educates and does research related to farm animal husbandry. Veterinary studies like farm animal health and farm animal nursing are important. Within farm animal production, precision livestock farming is essential, with focus on animal welfare and efficient production.

    The research work contributes with knowledge about efficient feed production, grazing, optimal animal nutrition, within satisfactory animal environment to meet ethological needs. The objective is increased profitability, safe food production, employment and value creation in the whole country.