Final seminar for Malik Dimbei Halidu, candidate at PhD in Science of Professions

Final seminar for Malik Dimbei Halidu, candidate at PhD in Science of Professions

Working title on the thesis

Adolescents with social anxiety and subsequent key life milestones in young adulthood. Findings from the Young-Hunt3 study, and Statistics Norway’s longitudinal data.

Short presentation of the thesis:

Social anxiety arises from the perceived threat of judgment by others before, during, or after social situations. In specific individuals, this anxiety reaches a level that disrupts daily functioning and causes significant distress, potentially leading to a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. However, a key question remains: at what point does elevated social anxiety constitute a disorder, and why does it matter? The resultant of this question is three independent but interrelated empirical studies based on data from YoungHunt3 and statistics Norway


Evaluation committee

Time for the Final seminar:

  • Wednesday 28 November, 2024
  • Kl 09:15 – 12:15


  • Digital on Teams

Click here to join the seminar


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