Art Exhibition: Woman's View of the Sea

Forskningsdagene 2024 - Kvinners syn på havet
Art Exhibition: Woman's View of the Sea
Nord University invites to the art exhibition: Woman's View of the Sea, celebrating the remarkable contributions of female researchers and female contemporary artists to the field of the sea.

In the open call, our jury has selected ten outstanding artists working in all fields of visual art, including painting, sculpting and digital art.

Selected artists

  • Marte Aas
  • Hilde Frantzen
  • Cecilie Haaland
  • Julie Hrncirova
  • Ingrid Larssen
  • Christin Løkke
  • Lill-Anita Olsen
  • Solveig Elisabeth Ovanger
  • Gina Thorstensen
  • Linn Rebekka Åmo

This art exhibition serves as a platform to elevate the voices and achievements of female artists and researchers, shedding light on their invaluable work and inspiring future generations. The art exhibition will provide a powerful visual representation of the intersection between art, science, and gender equality.

It will be held in Noatun, a brand-new building of Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture at Nord University. This state-of-the-art venue promises a modern and dynamic setting to showcase artworks.

Woman’s view of the sea has been initiated by Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN) in 2022 to address historical underrepresentation of women in a marine context.

Director of Institute of IO PAN, Jan Marcin Weslawski says: 

We focus on the marine realm, all fields of science. We want to show how woman are explaining „The Sea”. For centuries, the sea was explored, studied and shown to the public by man.  Still in 1970-ties in many countries women were not allowed to take part in research cruises (too long, to physically demanding, too masculine etc.) and now more than half of large marine projects are run end executed by women scientists. Still the narrative about the Sea is a traditional men’s domain – marine painters of the past were men, and most marine books, stories are by men. 

As we are concerned with building ocean literacy, the women are needed to complete this task. We want to show to the broad public that the Sea is not only the area of fight and ultimate physical challenge, but it is extremely interesting, important, and also beautiful source of spiritual and esthetical values. 

We want to show the broad public that the Sea is not only the area of fight and ultimate physical challengesJan Marcin Weslawski, director of Institute of IO PAN

See the contributions from the marine scientists at Nord University here (pdf)


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