Bodø2024 - contact our researchers

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Foto: Dan Mariner

Bodø2024 - contact our researchers
Here is an overview of researchers at Nord University that the media are welcome to contact in relation to Bodø2024 - European Capital of Culture.
Name of researcherArea of expertiseContact information
Anatoli Bourmistrov, ProfessorMonitor2024 (Effects of Bodø as European capital of culture)

Social audit, management and governance, accounting, public and private organizational management, social projects, inclusion, equal rights, educational programs.

75 51 76 73 / 909 56 042
Bjørn Willy Åmo, ProfessorEntrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, innovation, innovation, strategy, economics, quantitative method.

75 51 72 45 / 404 66 013
Evgeni Vinogradov, ResearcherEntrepreneurship, regional development, tourism, quantitative methods, agent-based simulations.

75 51 72 40 
Lars Kolvereid,
Professor emeritus
Management, organization, entrepreneurship, practical implications.

75 51 77 27 
Olga Iermolenko,
Associate professor
Large sports construction projects, international projects, management accounting, education, accounting, budgeting.

75 51 79 57
Oliver Henk, Post-docInternal control, risk management, inter-organisational relations, management mechanisms.

75 51 76 07
Veronika Vakulenko, Associate professorPublic sector management, public accounting, budgeting, finance, auditing, performance measurement.

75 51 78 24
Alena Nelaeva, ResearcherManagement of SMEs, knowledge development, international market strategies, seafood export.

75 51 76 85
Anastasiya Henk, Associate professor Digitalisation, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, consumer behaviour, process management.

75 51 78 72 / 94 43 65 17
Olof Stjernström, ProfessorCommunity planning, regional planning, demography/community development, migration, outskirts/periphery, urban functions, development, zoning, housing estates, communication, architecture.

74 11 21 96
Tanja Ellingsen, Associate professorSocial sustainability and co-creation, radicalisation/externalism, social security, the green city

75 51 75 87
Steinar Aas, ProfessorNew district, urban history/Bodø's urban history, architecture, outskirts/periphery, regional planning, eviction, green city

75 51 71 62

Bodo 2024

Bodø is European Capital of Culture in 2024, and will deliver a magnificent cultural program throughout the year.

Read more about Bodø2024