Closer to a scientific agreement

SEA-EU communicators

The group: From left to right: Umair Najeeb Mughal (NORD), Stefania Zdral (Univ of Malta), Massimiliano Lega (Univ of Parthenope), Emilia Leszkowicz (Univ of Gdansk), Mirco Mührenberg (Kiel univ), Ulf Evert (Kiel univ), Manuel Célio Conceição (Univ of Algarve), Gabriela Borges (Univ of Split), Danielle Farrugia (Univ of Malta), Daniele Previtali (Univ of Parthenope), Tove Holm (NORD), José Antonio López-López (Univ of Cadiz), Enora Leproust (Univ de Bretagne Occidentale), Sasa Mladenovic (Univ of Split), Juan Lucas Cervera (Univ of Cadiz). Photo: Lise Fagerbakk, Nord University

Closer to a scientific agreement
The issue at hand, is to agree on a set of qualitive pointers on how to communicate science.
Discussion: Stefania Zdral from University of Malta and Sasa Mladenovic from Split University in Croatia, in a discussion about how to find the best way to communicate science.

The alliance SEA-EU set out to do a better job on several issues that will benefit society and science. In mid-May a group of professors and communicators met at Nord University in Bodø, Norway to work out a set of quality rules that communicators across the alliance shall use when communicating scientific results.

Several issues were discussed within the working group under task 6.3, which is led by Manuel Célio Conceição, Algarve University.

Each of the participants shared with examples how they work with science communication. On that basis, and further discussions, the group is now well on their way to set up common guidelines for good practice in science communication.

All with the same goal; to do a better job with science results, that lead to an impact. Either with people, health, community, commerce, or management.

European Researchers Night is one of the examples on how communicators across the alliance can work together to make science count. Workshop in kindergartens and schools is another. The goal is the further knowledge. Which is key to feel you live a good life!

How we do it: Ulf Evert from Kiel University in Germany, tells the group that all universities of the alliance should do European Researchers Night. Photo: Lise Fagerbakk, Nord University

European University of the Seas (SEA-EU)

SEA-EU er en europeisk universitetsallianse for samarbeid innenfor utdanning og forskning over landegrensene i Europa. Motto for alliansen er: «Living sustainably, by, from and with the sea».

SEA-EU startet sitt samarbeid i 2019 med seks europeiske universiteter. I en ny søknadsrunde til EU i 2022 ble alliansen utvidet med tre nye universiteter, hvor Nord universitet var en av disse.

Alliansen SEA-EU består per april 2023 av ni universiteter:

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