High North Center Welcomes New Leader During Director Search

Jan-Oddvar Sørnes trer inn som midlertidig leder

READY FOR NEW JOB: Professor Jan-Oddvar Sørnes. Photo: Markus J. Thonhaugen / High North Center.

High North Center Welcomes New Leader During Director Search
– Exciting, says Professor Jan-Oddvar Sørnes, who enters the position on July 1st.

A true High North pioneer is retiring. Frode Mellemvik has led the High North Center for 17 years, and now the work to find his successor begins. Five candidates had expressed interest by the application deadline.

Who becomes the new director will be clear at the earliest in the fall, perhaps as late as the turn of the year. In a transitional phase, Professor Jan-Oddvar Sørnes steps in as acting leader.

– It's exciting to be asked, says Sørnes about the job he formally enters on July 1.

– My goal is to support the projects that are here, get to know people, and facilitate so they can deliver as well as they can.

LOOKING FORWARD: Sørnes is excited for the new job.

Was involved in the establishment

Sørnes is not unfamiliar with the High North Center's work.

He was actually involved in the center's creation and startup, and was for many years associated with the center's work.

Among other things, he was involved in the start-up of the master's program in energy management and various projects related to it.

Thus, Sørnes and Mellemvik know each other well.

I studied in the USA. I came directly from there and started here in 1992. In the mid-90s, I became an advisor in Frode's staff when he was rector, Sørnes recalls.

In 2007, he was promoted to Vice Dean of the Business School and became less involved in the High North Center's work. Though he has kept an eye from the sideline.

– I've been a part of building what is today the High North Center, even though I haven't been very active in the last eight to ten years.

Time of transition

The new leader must navigate a changing landscape, not least geopolitically.

Sørnes says he will work to develop international relations and create opportunities for students and researchers during his period.

– It's a time of transition in the sense that the international cooperation climate has changed.

– I think my background means I have something to contribute, says Sørnes - adding that he will work to expand the base funding and contribute to stability.

FROM HELGELAND: Sørnes is originally from Brønnøysund.

Five candidates

Five candidates have applied for the permanent position as leader of the High North Center.

These are:

  • Anatoli Bourmistrov (52), professor residing in Bodø,
  • Corine Wood-Donnelly (44), works at Nord University and resides in Bodø,
  • Andreas Raspotnik (41), senior researcher and resides in Oslo,
  • Irene Dahl, professor residing in Tromsø,
  • Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen (49), professor residing in Tromsø.

Frode Mellemvik says that the new leader, when the permanent one is eventually in place, likely will focus on working on how the High North Center can be further developed and strengthened.

– We achieve a lot at the High North Center and what we are and have done constitutes a great potential for further developing of the center.

– The goal must be that we contribute to developing and disseminating knowledge that can strengthen the opportunities for value creation based on the resources and opportunities that lie in the High North. The Parliament and the governments we have had over the last 20-30 years have pointed out that the High North is the nation's most important strategic focus area and that value creation in the High North shall ensure welfare and prosperity for future generations, says Mellemvik.

PIONEER: Frode Mellemvik, pictured here during Arctic Congress Bodø 2024.

Dette er Nordområdesenteret:

  • Nordområdesenteret ble formelt åpnet i 2007, men røttene strekker seg helt tilbake til 1991. På initiativ fra Nordland fylkeskommune begynte Mellemvik, da dekan, å utvikle samarbeid med russiske utdanningsinstitusjoner.
  • Dette la senere la grunnlaget for senterets etablering med støtte fra både næringsliv og offentlige aktører.
  • I dag er Nordområdesenteret et anerkjent internasjonalt senter for forskning, utdanning og kommunikasjon om samfunns- og næringsutviklingen i nordområdene.
  • Det ligger under Handelshøgskolen på Nord universitet og har et stort internasjonalt nettverk.