The group “Ports Council” had during the SEA-EU Governing Week in Bodø in May their own program where the agenda was to get to know each other and the seemingly common challenges regarding the Ports preparedness and crisis management. “Marine preparedness”, they called it.
Jon-Arne Nymo at Bodø Harbour bid everyone welcome, but it was Ann Cecilie Hilling who made them really listen. She works at NCE Aquacultur in Salten and could tell the participants how much salmon that really are transported throughout Europa; 1, 8 billion meals. At the same time, Hilling begs them to focus more on food safety.
– Just 2 percent of the world’s total food need is produced in sea. At the same time, salmon breeding has a low carbon footprint. Therefore, it should be more thought of when we speak of food safety, she says.
On the other hand, wars in Europe and close to Europe makes difficult to import ingredients for the fish food. We need to research methods and new raw materials.