Editorial relevance in Journalism education

The project aims to facilitate the bachelor's programme in Journalism so that it is better adapted to the needs of society and working life.

​​​​​​Budget: Total budget  7 014 073, cofunding 2 104 222
Funder: Directorate for Internationalization and Quality Development
Start and finish date: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023
Consortium (Coordinating organisation in bold): Nord University, Saltenposten, Avisa Norland, NRK

Researchers at FSV:

  • Hege Lamark (Project leader)
  • Jan Erik Andreassen
  • Birgit Røe Mathisen
  • Karianne Sørgård Olsen


Prosjektet tar sikte på å tilrettelegge bachelorprogrammet i journalistikk slik at det blir bedre tilpasset behovene i samfunnet og arbeidslivet. Dette ønsker vi å bidra til ved å etablere nye - og videreutvikle eksisterende - former for samarbeid og kompetansedeling mellom universitetet og lokale redaksjonThe project aims to facilitate the bachelor's programme in Journalism so that it is better adapted to the needs of society and working life. We want to contribute to this by establishing new - and further developing existing - forms of collaboration and competence sharing between the University and local newsrooms through the popular study programme.​​