
You can find your grades in StudentWeb.

If the publication of your grades is delayed, information will be posted in StudentWeb. Grades are not disclosed by telephone or email. 

The following grading deadlines apply (from the Section 10-3 of the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at Nord University):

  • Grades shall be announced no later than three (3) weeks after the date of the examination.
  • The grades for master's theses shall be announced within six (6) weeks of the submission deadline.
  • The grades for bachelor's and candidate's theses with a scope corresponding to at least 20 credits shall be announced within four (4) weeks of the submission deadline.
  • For oral or practical examinations, the grades shall be announced no later than 24 hours after the last day of examinations for the course.
  • The grades for written work with a subsequent adjustment after oral or practical examinations shall be announced no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the oral or practical examination.