University of Tuscia - Universita degli Studi della Tuscia

The University of Tuscia is located in Viterbro, in the heart of Italy, less than 100 km from Rome. The university was founded in 1979 and have since developed into six departments spread across four campuses, with three located in the city centre of Viterbro.
  • Academic workload

    A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.

    Academic calendar

    October - February, March - July

  • Tuition fee

    No tuition fee for Erasmus+ students.

    Number of student places

    2 students per academic year.

  • Housing

    The university will assist you in finding student housing. For more information, see here.

    Cost of living

    Individual rooms in shared student apartments are 200-300 euros. Living costs in Vinterbro, excluding student housing, is 400-500 euros.For more information, go to: Exchange Information - UNITUS

  • Admission requirements

    Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.

    Language requirements

    For courses taught in Italian, Italian CEFR B2 is required by the institution. For courses taught in English, English CEFR B2 is required.

  • Incoming students will be offered Italian language courses.

    All students must have valid health insurance, regardless of their nationalities. EU/EEA students must bring EHIC card. Non-EU/EEA students must obtain a valid health insurance prior to studying in Italy. For more information, go to: Health Insurance - UNITUS

    Exchange students who are non-EU/EEA nationals must apply for a visa for student exchange. For more information, go to:

    Exchange Student Guide - UNITUS

    Exchange Visa - Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs