Academic workload
A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.
Academic calendar
September - January, February - June
Tuition fee
No tuition fees for Erasmus+ exchange students.
Number of student places
4 places per academic year.
Breda University of Applied Sciences has no campus or student rooms of its own. It will be your responsibility to find housing in Breda. You can find useful information about housing here.
Cost of living
As a student in the Netherlands, you will need between 800 - 1000 euros to cover monthly living expenses.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
The institution requires English CEFR B2. However, English skills at level C1 is recommended.
According to Dutch law, students from non-EU/EEA/Swiss countries cannot apply for visa themselves. All applications are coordinated by BUAS. This means that you will be contacted via email for further information. For more information about entry visa and residence permit in the Netherlands, go to: BUAS-Visa
All exchange students, regardless of their nationalities, must have a valid health insurance prior to studying in the Netherlands. EU/EEA students must bring EHIC card. The university offers a student insurance package with broad coverage. For more information about health insurance, go to: BUAS-Insurance
BUAS Breda University of Applied Sciences
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) is a Dutch higher education institute that currently caters for over 7000 students from more than 100 countries. The campus is situated in the south of the Netherlands, in the vibrant student city of Breda. Breda has about 180,000 inhabitants, about 20,000 of which are young students. Not what you would call a small city, but its centre is well-organised, compact and charming. No wonder Breda was voted the best city centre in the Netherlands.