Academic workload
A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.
Academic calendar
February-July, September-February
Tuition fee
No tuition fee for Erasmus+ students.
Number of student places
2 students per academic year.
Accommodation varies from rooms, shared apartments or private apartments. The university cannot guarantee accommodation. For more information about housing, go to: Find Accommodation - ULisboa
Cost of living
Room rental typically costs about 300-450 euros per month. To see other expenses, go to: Practical Information - ULisboa
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
Exchange students are expected to have B1 level in English or Portuguese.
Exchange students who are non-EU/EEA nationals must obtain visa prior to arriving in Portugal. Further information about visa to Portugal can be found here: Immigration - Portugal
All exchange students must have valid insurance that covers the whole stay in Portugal, regardless of their nationalities. EU/EEA citizens must bring EHIC card. Non-EU/EEA nationals must have valid health insurance that covers the whole stay in Lisbon. For more information, go to Student Guide - ULisboa.
University of Lisbon - Universidade de Lisboa
ULisboa is responsible for making the city of Lisbon one of the great European capitals of culture and science, as it welcomes more than 9000 foreign students every year – about 17,8 % of the total number of students – from over 100 countries, who are seeking high quality education as well as a different culture, delightful weather and the hospitality that Lisbon, and Portugal, have to offer. ULisboa is currently Portugal’s largest university and one of Europe’s largest. Located in the heart of the city, it provides its entire community with the best and most diverse academic programs and vows to deliver a uniquely enriching experience.