Academic workload
A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.
Academic calendar
Autumn Semester (including examination period): end of September, middle February (aprox.)
Spring Semester (including examination period): middle February, end of June (aprox.)
Tuition fee
No tuition fee for Erasmus+ students.
Number of student places
2 students per academic year.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
English B2 is recommended.
Exchange students from non-EU/EEA countries must apply for a visa/study permit before entering the country of destination. Generally, students must be able to satisfy the financial documentation in order to be issued visa. For more information, go to: Visa - Embassy of Spain
All exchange students must have valid health insurance, regardless of their nationalities. Students may be expected to purchase health care insurance for the duration of their stay, in addition to the insurance the students have from their home countries. EU/EEA students must bring their EHIC card. Non-EU/EEA students need to show that they have valid health insurance that covers their whole stay. Read more here: Health - Study in Spain
University of Cádiz SEA-EU
The University of Cádiz (Universidad de Cádiz/UCA), is a public university located in the province of Cádiz, Andalusia, in southern Spain. UCA is comprised of four campuses. The main Cádiz campus is located in the old city, alongside the Caleta beach and Genovese Park and is arranged in a series of picturesque narrow streets. This campus houses departments covering socio-humanistic and health studies. UCA is part of the European university alliance SEA-EU. This alliance consists of 9 universities, including Nord University, joint together by their marine and maritime profiles.