Academic workload
A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.
Academic calendar
August - January, January- June
Tuition fee
No tuition fee for exchange students (Bilateral, Erasmus+, Nordplus).
Number of student places
Nursing (placement): 2 students per academic year.
Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture: 7 students per academic year, 5 of which are reserved for students taking the Nordic Master's degree in Sustainable Production and Utilization of Marine Bioresources (MARBIO).
University of Gothenburg offers student rooms and apartments to exchange students. Students can apply for housing as part of your application for exchange studies. Here you can find more information about student housing.
Cost of living
Here you can find more information about costs of studying and living in Sweden.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
English CEFR B2 is required by the institution.
Students who speak either Norwegian, Danish or Swedish are not met with specific language requirements in placement options.
Exchange students from non-EU/EEA countries must apply for a visa/study permit before entering the country of destination. Generally, students must be able to satisfy the financial documentation in order to be issued visa.
All exchange students must have valid health insurance, regardless of their nationalities. Students may be expected to purchase health care insurance for the duration of their stay, in addition to the insurance the students have from their home countries. EU/EEA students must bring their EHIC card. Non-EU/EEA students need to show that they have valid health insurance that covers their whole stay.
For more information about visa and insurance, go to: Before you arrive - Gothenburg
University of Gothenburg
The University of Gothenburg is a multidisciplinary university that dates to 1891. There are approximately 49 000 students and 6000 staff members, making them one of the largest universities in Northern Europe. Gothenburg is the second largest city in Sweden. The city is known for its friendly locals and laid-back atmosphere.