Academic workload
Students must enroll in a full workload of 4 credits points per semester to acquire 30 ECTS. One Deakin credit is equivalent to 7,5 ECTS credits. Most units (courses) have a weighting of 1 credit point.
Academic calendar
March - June, July - October
Tuition fee
Students must pay a tuition fee of approximately AUS $8,040 - AUS $10,720 per trimester. Read more about tuition fees here.
Number of student places
Deakin University accepts 2 students per academic year.
There are no limits to study abroad students paying full tuitionHousing
Students can apply for both on- and off campus housing. The university can assist students in finding housing. Read more about the student housing and accommodation here.
Cost of living
As a student you will need approximately AUD$21,000 - AUD$26,000 per year to cover living expenses. You can find more information about cost of living in Australia here.
Admission requirements
Student must have completed one year of higher education to take part in the exchange program, equivalent to 60 ECTS. Note that some academic programs may have may have additional requirements and course prerequisites.
Language requirements
Students whose native language is not English must generally demonstrate their proficiency by achieving a score in a English language test such as TOEFL or IELTS.
Here you can find information about the english requirements of Deakin University.
Students are required to get a study permit/ visa. Please check the requirements based on your nationality. Here you can find more information about visas.
Students are recommended to get student insurance. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is waived for Norwegian students.
Some students may need a mandatory health check upon arrival in Australia. Here you can find more information about the health check.
Deakin University
Deakin University is located in the state of Victoria in southern Australia. It is a higly ranked university and considered one of the best universities in Australia. The university is spread across three campuses located in Melbourne, Geelong and Warrnambol. Melbourne is the second most populous city in Australia with an population of over 4,5 million.