Academic workload
At JCU most individual subject have a value of 3 credit points. A normal full time study load for a study period is four subjects or 12 credit points to aqcuire 30 ECTS. You can read more about credit points and subject selection here.
Academic calendar
February - June, August - November
Tuition fee
Students must pay a tuition fee of approximately AUD 12,900 per semester.
Here you can find more information about tuition fees.Number of student places
No limits on number of students. Tuition fees are required for study abroad.
Students can apply for both on- and off campus housing. JCU Accommodation service will assist you in finding housing. Read more about campus housing here.
Cost of living
For information about expected living costs, see here.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Note that some academic programs may have may have additional requirements and course prerequisites. You can find more information about entry requirements here.
Language requirements
Students whose native language is not English must generally demonstrate their proficiency by achieving a score in a English language test; or grade of 4 or above in English from Videregående skole (high school). See here for James Cook's English requirements.
Students are required to get a study permit/visa. Please check the requirements based on your nationality. Here you can find more information about visas.
Students are recommended to get student insurance. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is waived for Norwegian students.
Some students may need a mandatory health check upon arrival in Australia. Here you can find more information about the health check.
James Cook University
James Cook University (JCU) is located in North Queensland, Australia.The university's main campuses are located in the tropical cities of Cairns (153.000 inhabitants) and Townsville (190.000 inhabitants), with an additional campus in Singapore. JCU has approximately 20 000 students spread across the three campuses. While, both Cairns and Townsvill are ideal places to experience tropical climate and nature, Cairns gives access to World Heritage-listed natural environments, such as the Great Barrier Reef.