Academic workload
The conversion rate of credits is 1 : 1.5, a full semester workload is therefore 15 credits.
Academic calendar
Tuition fee
Exchange students on Erasmus+ do not have to pay fee.
Nevertheless, students may be charged a small fee on the same basis as the local students for costs such as insurance, student unions, and the use of miscellaneous materials.
Number of student places
2 students x 5 months within Business studies with technology (study mobility). Mobility numbers can be amended every year depending on the funding availability.
Unicamp does not have a student residence and does not provide accommodation for students. However, we can help you find accommodation at the International Office. For that matter, just send an e-mail to We cannot, however, be held responsible for any agreements or contracts signed by the student, since this is between you and the person responsible for the vacancy.
Further information can be found on: Housing
Cost of living
Students in Brazil normally spend 2, 730R$ exluding rent per month.
For more information about living costs in Brazil, go to: Pre Arrival Information Guide UNICAMP
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
English or Portuguese B2 is recommended
A Student or Mercosur Visa is required to enroll at Unicamp, and can be obtained from the consular division of the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate in the student’s country of origin. A visa must be requested early enough to allow time for bureaucratic procedures, which can be quite lengthy.
Health insurance is mandatory for all international students and a copy of this document must be delivered to the DAC via the system. The health insurance plan must cover medical expenses and repatriation from the day the student leaves the country of origin. The choice of a specific travel insurance or another is the visitor’s responsibility. If the foreign student arrives in Brazil without health insurance previously taken out, he/she will have to take out insurance with a local agency.
Further information can be found here: Pre Arrival Information Guide UNICAMP
State University of Campinas
Founded in 1964, Unicamp is recognized as one of the three best universities in Latin America, one of the top 100 universities in emerging economies and a top Brazilian university in number of patents.