Memorial University of Newfoundland

At Memorial University more than 19,000 students from over 115 countries come together to discover. From the classics to advanced technology, Memorial offers certificate, diploma, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs across five campuses and online. A global network of almost 100,000 accomplished alumni throughout the world strengthens Memorial University’s capacity and reputation for leadership in research, teaching and public engagement.
  • Academic workload

    The recommended course load for an exchange student is between 3 to 4 courses (9-12 Canadian credits/18-24 ECTS) per semester. MUN can accomodate the maximum 5 courses (15 credits/30 ECTS) if it is necessary. For more information about academics, go to: Visiting Students Inbound - MUN

    Academic calendar

    September - December, January- April

  • Tuition fee

    Tuition waivers may be available through the North2North exchange programme.

    Number of student places

    Number of available North2North exchange places are determined from one academic year to another.

  • Housing

    Exchange students are offered 2 options for on-campus housing. There is also off-campus housing. MUN cannot guarantee housing place, so students need to apply themselves. Further information can be found here:Visiting Students Inbound - MUN

    Cost of living

    To learn more about how much it costs to live in Newfoundland and Labrador, go to: Budgeting & Finances - MUN

  • Admission requirements

    Student must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS, to become an exchange student.

    Student must also have a GPA of 2.5.

    Language requirements

    Students shall satisfy proof of English proficiency at MUN, which can be documented in the following ways: IELTS Academic with overall score of 6.5, or TOEFL iBT with score of 79, or Duolingo of 115 (plus sufficient band scores). For more information about English proficiency, go to: Visiting Students Inbound - MUN

  • Students may need to get a study permit/ visa. Please check the requirements based on your nationality. Here you can more information about visa requirements.

    Students may expect to purchase insurance for the duration of their stay. This will be in addition to the insurance they have from their home country.