Academic workload
A full semester workload is 15 credit units. Most courses are 3 credit units each.
15 credits are equivalent to 30 ECTS.
Academic calendar
September - December, January - April
Tuition fee
Exchange students do not pay tuition fees through the North2North programme.
Students are required to pay student service fees.
Number of student places
Number of North2North places available are decided on an annual basis.
Students can apply for on-campus housing. Here you can find more information about student housing.
Cost of living
Here you can find information about housing rates and costs.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Note that some academic programs may have additional admission requirements and course prerequisites.
Language requirements
Students who are not native speakers of English must provide documentation that attests you have strong English language skills. This may include any one of the following:
A signed letter from your institution confirming your English language skills is strong.
Meet the minimum score to an accepted standardized test such as IELTS (with a score of 6.5).Students may need to get a study permit/ visa. Please check the requirements based on your nationality. Here you can find information about visas and study permits.
Students may expect to purchase insurance for the duration of their stay. This will be in addition to the insurance they have from their home country.
University of Saskatchewan
The University of Saskatchewan's (USask) main campus is located in Saskatoon, Canada. USask is home to 25 000 students from 130 countries around the world. USask is one of the top research-intensive, medical doctoral universities in Canada, and is home to world-leading research in areas such as water and food security, as well as infectious diseases.