Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

The Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT/Kaiyodai) is a Japanese national university which is home to some of the latest research and innovation related to the maritime and fisheries industries. TUMSAT tries to continue Japan's legacy as a leader in oceanography through its motto: “to know and conserve the sea”. With campuses located in two of the most innovative municipalities in Tokyo, Koto and Minato, the institute aims to provide extensive education related to oceans and lobbies for their sustainable development.
  • Academic workload

    Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology requires that an exchange student takes at least 14 credits per semester at their university. This is equivalent to 30 ECTS at Nord University.

    Academic calendar

    First semester: April to September, Second semester: October to March

  • Tuition fee

    The host institution will charge no application, admission and tuition fees. Exchange students shall pay tuition and activity fees to the home institution.

    Number of student places

    2 full-time students for 2 full academic semesters/1 year.

  • Housing

    Some international students at TUMSAT live in student dormitories on campus, while others choose to rent a private apartment. The International House on Shinagawa campus is mainly reserved for international students, exchange students included.

    For more information about accommodation, go to:

    Guidebook for International Students - TUMSAT

    Cost of living

    It costs about 9,600 yen per month for a single room at the International House, excluding other living costs. Cost of living in Tokyo is estimated to be about 131,908 yen per month (rent excluded).

    For more information about cost of living, go to:

    Guidebook for International Students - TUMSAT

  • Admission requirements

    Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.

    Language requirements

    The language proficiency at TUMSAT are CEFR B1 in English and/or N3 in Japanese.

  • Exchange students must comply with the Japanese Immigration Bureau, as well as their local municipal office service counter upon arrival in Japan. For more information about immigration, go to:

    Visa Procedures - Study in Japan

    Furthermore, exchange students must provide personal health, emergency evacuation and repatriation insurance that is valid in the host nation and meets the visa requirements of the host nation. For more information about insurance, go to:

    Insurance - Study in Japan