Pukyong National University (PKNU) is in Busan, South Korea. PKNU was founded in 1996 and has a focus on maritime fields and has extensive facilities for Marine and Technology studies. The university has four campuses and around 27 000 students. Busan is South Korea's second largest city with a geography that includes a coastline featuring beautiful beaches, mountains for hiking and hot springs.
Academic workload
2 - 3 credits per course. 15-16 credits are equivalent to 30 ECTS.
Academic calendar
Early March - June, July - November
Tuition fee
No tuition fee per our exchange agreement.
Number of student places
Pukyoung National University accepts 6 students per academic year.
Students can apply for on-campus housing. Tick on-campus housing when filling out application.
Cost of living
Here you can find information about the estimated costs of living in Busan.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
English CEFR B2 is required.
Students are required to get a visa/study permit to study in South Korea.
Students will also need a medical examination certificate.
Here you can find more information about visas and documentation needed to study in South Korea.