Academic workload
A full workload is considered 15 -16 US credits. 15-16 credits are equivalent to 30-32 ECTS.
Academic calendar
September - December, February - May
Tuition fee
Students must pay a tuition fee of approximately $12,800 per semester. Standard tuition fee for the 2021-2022 academic year is approximately $17.500 per semester, however Augustana offers Nord students guaranteed scholarships of $9.500 per semester (§4.700 is tuition scholarship).
Number of student places
Augustana accepts 4-6 nursing students and 4-6 students from other departments per academic year.
Students can apply for on-campus housing. Student will recieve login information where housing application can be completed after the student have confirmed his or her place.
Here you can find more information about student housing.Cost of living
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of studies at university level equivalent to 60 ECTS. Augustana also requires a personal statement/essay to be submitted along with college/university transcripts. You can read more about the general admission requirements here.
Language requirements
Augustana accepts English proficiency report from Nord.
No English language exam is required from Nord students.Students are required to get a visa/study permit. Here you can find more information about visas and documents required to be an international student at Augustana.
Students may expect to purchase health care insurance for the duration of their stay. This will be in addition to the insurance the students have from their home countries. You may also be required to show a health record.
Augustana University
Augustana University is a private university located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a city with a population of approximately 250 000. It is home to approximately 2,100 students from 30+ US states and more than 40 countries. The institution traces its origin back to 1835, when Scandinavian immigrants established the Hillsboro Academy in Illinois.