Academic workload
Undergraduates are required to take 12 credits per semester.12 credits are equivalent to 24 ECTS and 15 credits are equivalent to 30 ECTS. A full workload at Nord University is 30 ECTS per semester.
Academic calendar
August - December, January - May
Tuition fee
Tuition waivers may be available through the North2North exchange progamme.
Study Abroad students must pay tuition fees. Here you can find more information about tuition fees and other costs.
Fee-paying: undergraduate $900 per credit; graduate $1080 per credit.
Number of student places
Number of N2N places are determined from one academic year to another.
Students can apply for on-campus housing on UAOnline (you will get access after acceptance). Here you can find more information about how to apply for student housing.
Cost of living
Here you can find information about living expenses in Alaska.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Language requirements
Students are required to submit TOEFL iBT scores, or equivalent. In order to take classes in English, students must obtain a minimum score of 65 on TOEFL iBT.
Students are required to get a visa/study permit. Students must demonstrate adequate financial documentation in order to be issued visa paperwork. Here you can find more information about applying for a student visa.
Students may expect to purchase health care insurance for the duration of their stay. This will be in addition to the insurance the students have from their home countries.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was etablished in 1917. UAF is home to more than 8 500 students from all over the world, spread across 7 campuses across the state. Which campus you will attend depends on your programme.