Academic workload
A full workload is 15-16 US credits. 15 US credits are equivalent to 30 ECTS.
Academic calendar
August - December, January - April
Tuition fee
Students are required to pay a tuition fee of approximately USD 11 500 - 14 000 per semester.
Number of student places
Number of places are determined from one academic year to another.
Students can apply for on- and off-campus housing. Here you can find more information about student housing.
Cost of living
Here you can find more information about living expenses for UC Berkeley.
Admission requirements
Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Note that academic programs may have additional program admission requirements and course prerequisites.
Language requirements
Students must demonstrate their proficiency in English by taking one of the following TOEFL with a minimum score of 80, IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5.
Students are required to get a student visa prior to their exchange. Here you can find more information about visas and documents needed.
Students may need to purchase health insurance in addition to the insurance they have from their home countries.
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley is a public research university located in the San Fransisco East Bay area. UC Berkeley has approximately 36 000 students from across the world. It ranged as the 15th best university in the world by Times Higher Education World University Rankings in their 2019 prognosis.