University College South Denmark

University College South Denmark is located in Southern Jutland and has more than 6 500 students and 700 members of staff. There are 13 different degree programmes spread across 5 different campuses (Kolding, Haderslev, Aabenraa, Esbjerg and Sønderborg). Southern Jutland is the only part of Denmark connected to mainland Europe.
  • Academic workload

    A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.

    Academic calendar

    August - December, January - June

  • Tuition fee

    No tuition fees for Erasmus+ exchange students.

    Number of student places

    2 places per academic year.

  • Housing

    Institution will assist you in finding student housing. For more information about housing in Denmark, see here.

    Cost of living

    Here you can find more information about cost of living in Denmark.

  • Admission requirements

    Student must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS, to become an exchange student.

    Note that some academic programs may have additional admission requirements and course prerequisites.

    Language requirements

    Language requirements

    English CEFR B2 is required.

    Students who speak either Norwegian, Swedish or Danish are not met with specific requirements in placement options.