University of Greenland

University of Greenland, known as Ilisimatusarfik, is a public university located in Greenland's capital of Nuuk. It was founded in 1987 and received university status in 1989. It is Greenland's only university with approximately 650 students attending. Nuuk is a coastal city that sits at the base of Sermitsiaq mountain. It is the largest city in Greenland and is home to a third of the population, approximately 18 000 people.
  • Academic workload

    A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.

    Academic calendar

    Sep-Jan, Feb-Jun

  • Tuition fee

    No tuition fee for Nordplus exchange students.

    Number of student places

    Number of Nordplus exchange places are determined from one academic year to another.

  • Housing

    Students will have to apply for housing through the Government of Greenland. The institution will assist you and provide information about the process together with the admission letter.

    Cost of living

    Estimated living costs for a student living in Nuuk is about DKK 5000 per month.

  • Admission requirements

    Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.

    Language requirements

    English B2, demonstrated by TOEFL or IELTS Academic or letter from coordinator.

  • Exchange students with non-EU/EEA/Nordic nationality are required to obtain a student visa prior to arriving to Greenland. Please note that Greenland is a part of Denmark, so if you come from a visa-requiring country to Denmark, you must also have visa to enter and study in Greenland.

    Read more about visa, residence permit, and insurance here: New to Denmark (