Bern University of Teacher Education

Bern University of Teacher Education is a higher education institution in Switzerland that specializes in teacher education and training. The main campus is located in the city of Bern - the capital of Switzerland.
  • Academic workload

    A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.

    Academic calendar

    August- Januar, February - Juli

  • Tuition fee

    No tuition fee for exchange students.

    Number of student places

    3 students per academic year.

  • Housing

    Admitted students will receive links and information about housing after having applied.

    Cost of living

    The cost of living in Bern is approximately CHF 1100 - 1800 pr month.

  • Admission requirements

    Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.

    Language requirements

    English B2

  • For more information about visa and insurance, go to: Student - Stu