The University of Education, founded in 1962, is a public university located in Freiburg im Beisgau, Germany. It is a relatively small university with about 4800 students, 350 faculty members and 150 administrative staff. The main focus of the university is teacher education, with over two thirds of the students enrolled in programs related to education.
Academic workload
A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester.
Academic calendar
October - March, April - September
Tuition fee
No tuition fees for Erasmus+ exchange students.
Number of student places
2 places per academic year.
Students can find both on - and off campus housing.
Cost of living
The average costs of living for students are €700 - 1000 per month, depending on the cost of their accommodation.
Admission requirements
The institution usually requires students to have completed two years of study, equivalent to 120 ECTS.
Language requirements
B2 level in German or English is required in order to be able to choose all of the offered courses at PH Freiburg. The language level will be tested upon arrival of the students, during the orientation.