Academic workload
Number of credits: 15-16 US credits (30-32 ECTS)
Academic calendar
Autumn: September 1, Spring: February 2
Tuition fee
Tuition waiver might be available through the North2North exchange programme. Please contact the International Office or the international coordinator at your faculty.
Number of student places
Number of North2North places available are decided on an annual basis.
Housing offered: Yes, on campus.
Cost of living
As a a student you will need approximately 5000 - 7000 CAD per semester.
Admission requirements
Student must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
Academic programs may have additional program admission requirements and course prerequisites.
Language requirements
We require that students are proficient in English, but the determination is left to Nord as the nominator. No English exam is required of Nord students.
Universite de Quebec Montreal
Montreal campus is part of the Université du Québec network, the largest university network in Canada, with over 100,000 students.