Academic workload
A full workload is 30 ECTS per semester. The students' working hours will be up to 8 hours a day, 4 days a week at their placement. One day every week is reserved for the students' own studies. Each student and placement site will be followed up by a lecturer from the study programme for the duration of the placement.
Academic calendar
Duration of the placement period at Christ University will be 20 weeks from the beginning of January to the end of May. Students will have Easter holiday from Saturday before quit week - Easter day.
Tuition fee
There is a practice fee associated with this placement program for each student. The practice fee includes mentoring/supervision for 5 months/20 weeks, evaluation, and cooperation meetings. Christ University will provide information to admitted students. Contact your Faculty Coordinator for more information.
Number of student places
2 students from Bachelor in Child Welfare Protection and Child Welfare programme, plus 2 students from Bachelor of Social Work programme.
Additional students can be accepted based on mutual consent between Christ University and Nord University.
Christ University will offer adequate accommodation for admitted students. Students will be charged for twin occupancy, 275 euros per student per month. There is also single occupancy for 350 euros per student per month. For more information about housing, go to: Hostel & Dining - Christ University
Cost of living
Students are expected to spend about 31,119 rupee/3,809kr per month, rent excluded. The university offers no financial assistance to students. Students must have sufficient funding to sustain themselves. For further information about cost of living in Bangalore, go to: Cost of Living Bangalore - Numbeo
Admission requirements
Students wishing to go on a placement to Christ University must complete at least 60 ECTS/1 year of studies at Nord University and satisfy the academic requirements for the placement period.
Students from the relevant study programmes can take either PRA2050 (Praksis i sosialt arbeid) or PRA2034 (Praksis i barnevernarbeid) in the fourth semester.
Language requirements
English B2
Students must have a visa prior to entry to India. For more information, go to: Visa - Study in India
Students are responsible to have adequate medical, accident and travel insurance for the entire duration of placement and must be able to demonstrate proof of such coverage.
Christ University
Christ University has 4 campuses in Bangalore, India with students from 60 different countries. The multidisciplinary university focuses on teaching, research and service. Christ University offers programmes in humanities, social sciences, commerce, natural sciences, management, engineering, architecture, education and law to about 30,000 students.