Ryukoku University

Ryukoku University, located in Kyoto, is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Japan, dating back to 1639. Today the university has approximately 20 000 students, and on a regular basis about 500 international students from around the world.
  • Academic workload

    Nord exchange students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels are required to register for at least 16 Ryukoku Credits each semester.15-16 credits are equivalent to 30 ECTS.

    Academic calendar

    September - February, April - August

  • Tuition fee

    No tuition fee for exchange students.

    Number of student places

    4 students per academic year.

  • Housing

    Students can apply for on-campus housing. A dormitory application is included with the Exchange Application Documents.

    Cost of living

    It is suggested that the students have 89,000 yen per month at their disposal for personal expenses, utilities etc.

    Here you can find more information about estimated costs.

  • Admission requirements

    Students must have completed one year of university level studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS.

    For Japanese language study at RU, students will take classes in the Japanese Experience Program in Kyoto (JEP Kyoto), which is specially designed for Exchange Students. While there is no minimum Japanese language requirement to take JEP Kyoto language classes, it is recommended that students have 300 hours of previous Japanese language study experience or have attained a score of N4 (equivalent to CEFR A2) on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test in order to make the most of their experience.

    Language requirements

    English CEFR B2 is required.

    Students who have had no prior Japanese language study may choose to register for classes in the JEP-E study course (a study course within the Japanese Experience Program in Kyoto) which offers classes taught in English and introductory Japanese lessons.

  • Students are required to get a visa/study permit to study in Japan.

    Students may expect to purchase insurance for the duration of their stay. It is usually required that students who stay in Japan for more than 3 months will enter the Japanese National Health Insurance system.

    Students may also need to submit a certificate of health.