Bachelor's Thesis in Biology
The topic of the bachelor's thesis must be apporoved by the course coordinator by 15th September for the autumn semester, 20th January for the spring semester. The form can be found in Fronter. The topic and supervisor are selected based on capacity and must be approved by the faculty.
The theses is written during one semester under supervision, and can be done individually or in gorups of maximum two students.
Regular Norwegian grading system (A-F) is used.
On successful completion of the course:
Knowledge The student should:
- Possess broad knowledge of central theory, tools, and methodology in a specific topic
- Have knowledge of the main scientific and developmental status of relevance for the thesis/ topic
- Be able to collect, update, and apply biological scientific knowledge
Skills The student should:
- Be capable of locating, assessing, and referring to relevant scientific information from a broad range of sources in order to approach biological problems
- Be able to apply biological knowledge in the analysis of biological problems
- Be able to reflect over own scientific work and adjust these under supervision
General competence The student should:
- Be able to communicate central scientific topics such as theories, research questions, and scientific results
- Be able to exchange scientific knowledge and views with other biologists and, through this, be able to contribute to development of the field
Elective: BSc in Biology.
Autumn or spring semester.
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BIO2017 - Bachelor's Thesis in Biology - 10 Studiepoeng