Current active course description (last updated 2023/24)
Special Topic in Biology
Current active course description (last updated 2023/24)

Special Topic in Biology

The course consists of an individual in-depth study of a chosen and approved body of scientific texts.

On successful completion of the course:

KnowledgeThe student should:

  • Have broad knowledge of central theory, tools, and methods within a particular topic of biology
  • Have considerable knowledge of research and development within a particular topic of biology
  • Be able to collect, update, and use his/her biological knowledge

SkillsThe student should:

  • Be able to locate, assess, and correctly cite relevant scientific information from a broad range of sources in analyzing biological questions
  • Be able to apply scientific knowledge in the analysis of biological problems

General competenceThe student should:

  • Be capable of communicating central topics such as theories, research questions, and scientific results within a particular topic
  • Be able to exchange scientific knowledge and views with other biologists and thus contribute to development of the field
No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.
Elective: BSc in Biology

This course is based on self study of a chosen topic.

The topic and curriculum is approved by the supervisor.

The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the universitys quality assurance system.
Oral examination, grading rule Letter grades.

Overlap refers to a similarity between courses with the same content. Therefore, you will receive the following reduction in credits if you have taken the courses listed below:

BI213F - Special Topic in Biology - 5 credits