Course description for 2020/21
Course description for 2020/21


The course covers the following main topics: Ocean morphology. Freshwater and seawater physical and chemical properties. Properties of the history and basic principles for the explanation of atmospheric conditions, climate, wind-driven and thermohaline ocean currents, waves, tides and the spread of contaminants. Descriptive oceanography with emphasis on the North Atlantic, Polar areas and Norwegian coastal and fjord areas. Oceanographic determinants for sea life.
Admission to the course follows the admission requirement in the bachelor program in biology.

On successful completion of the course:


The student should have knowledge and understanding of

  • lakes and oceans as an environment for living organisms
  • physical processes in lakes and oceans


The student should be able to:

  • define and use key concepts in basic physical oceanography
  • to account for modern methods of data collection
  • apply basic physical knowledge to explain key issues related to freshwater and seawater as an environment for living organisms

General competence

The student should:

  • be able to adopt a critical stance towards 'taken for granted' or common-sense understandings of oceans as physical environments
  • be able to analyze textual material from a wide range of sources on this subject
  • be able to pursue further studies in science with a view to a desired career in the future
  • transfer and use relevant skills in a future workplace context
No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.
Elective: BSc in Biology
Lectures and seminars 52 hours (4 hours weekly for 13 weeks). Fieldwork: 1 day.
The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.
Written examination, 5 hours, grading scale Letter grades

Pen, ruler and up to 2 bilingual dictionaries.

Generating an answer using ChatGPT or similar artificial intelligence and submitting it wholly or partially as one's own answer is considered cheating.

Overlap refers to a similarity between courses with the same content. Therefore, you will receive the following reduction in credits if you have taken the courses listed below:

FI103F - Oceanography - 5 credits

BIO2010 - Marine Biology and Oceanography - 5 credits