Current active course description (last updated 2024/25)
Art, Culture and Creativity
Current active course description (last updated 2024/25)

Art, Culture and Creativity


Med overlapp menes en faglig likhet mellom emner med samme faginnhold. Du vil derfor få følgende reduksjon i studiepoeng om du har tatt emner som er angitt under:

BLU1005 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

ABLU310 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

BLD210 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

BLD2310 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

BLU2001 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

BLU210 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

BLU2101 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

BLU501 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

KKK100L - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

KKK100SL - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

KKK110L - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng

ABLU1006 - Art, Culture and Creativity - 20 Studiepoeng