Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)
Organic Chemistry
Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)

Organic Chemistry

The course covers the following main topics: Nomenclature of organic molecules. Organic molecules - structure, bonding and polarity. Organic chemical reactions and reaction mechanisms: nucleophilic substitution, elimination, addition to double bonds and carbonyl groups, electrophilic aromatic substitution. Spectroscopy.

A university course in basic chemistry (e.g. KJ100F, KJ103F, KJ104F or equivalent).

The KJ105F Laboratory is required prior to the compulsory laboratory work.


The student has knowledge of:

  • properties of the different drug classes in organic chemistry, including reactivity
  • all the common reaction types in organic chemistry


The student is able to:

  • perform simple organic syntheses in the laboratory
  • write simple reports by conducting laboratory experiments
  • draw detailed reaction mechanisms for all common reactions in organic chemistry

General competence

Students understands:

  • the relationship between organic chemistry and biological processes
  • how organic molecules react and the conditions required
Molecular model set. Costs for semester registration and course literature apply.

Mandatory: BSc in Biology, to year group of 2016.

Elective: BSc in Biology, from year group of 2017.

3/4 of the course is teaching of theory, using a combination of lectures and tasks. The laboratory part of the course is equivalent to 1/4 of the course. This is mandatory, and the student must attend the laboratory on the four days with laboratory teaching.

The work requirements consists of the completed lab work, approved laboratory reports and approved theoretical exercises.

It is required to attend at least 3 out of 4 the lab exercises. After each lab the student submit a report which will be assessed and approved/not approved.

It's required to take at least 4 of 8 theoretical exercises (assignments by the specified deadline), at least every second must be approved. Each theory exercise submitted must have all the assignments answered in order to be approved.

All progblems must be answered to get the theory assignments approved.

General requirements for theory exercises and lab reports:

  • The theory exercises and lab reports are submitted on paper without a cover / binding, within the stated deadline (date and time) at the specified location.
  • The theory exercises and lab reports can be a printout from a data file or handwritten with pen / pencil / marker, or a combination of these.
  • The sheets must be stapled together (not paper clips), and any spiral edges must be cut away.
  • The student's name must be legible at the top of the first page.
  • Theory exercises and lab reports that are not passed, can be completed the next semester. This presupposes that the student has approved compulsory participation for laboratory exercises. Lab exercises are conducted in the spring semester only.
  • Lab reports can only be submitted for lab exercises where the student has participated.
  • In order to be an acceptable lab report, it must follow the report style handed out in class.
  • Reports that were not approved at the first submission can be resubmitted once, after creation / additions together with the report after the next lab exercise. In this case, the original report must be resubmitted, together with a supplement that corrects what was described in the original report, and / or that contains points that are missing in the original report.
Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.

Compound assessment, grading scale Letter grades

  • Compulsory participation on 3 of 4 lab exercises, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved/ Not approved.
  • Assessment task 1 - Theory excersises, comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved/ Not approved.
  • Assessment task 2 - Laboratory exercises with subsequent lab reports , comprises 0/100 of the grade, grading scale Approved/ Not approved.
  • Written Examination, 5 hours, comprises 100/100 of the grade, grading scale Letter grades.

Calculator: Casio fx-82xxx, where xxx stands for letters, but not numbers.

Molecular model set.

Generating an answer using ChatGPT or similar artificial intelligence and submitting it wholly or partially as one's own answer is considered cheating.