Course description for 2024/25
Business English
Course description for 2024/25

Business English

The course will acquaint students with the linguistic and cultural aspects governing the use of English in the workplace, and introduce them to a selection of topical issues for discussion and analysis. By taking this course, students will develop their competence and confidence as users of English, further their understanding of central questions in international business, and develop their skills in applying theoretical knowledge in a practical context.
Higher Education Entrance Qualification and English language proficiency


The student

•Has knowledge about the linguistic, cultural social, and relational aspects of English usage in the workplace

•Has broad knowledge about important themes and topical questions in international business


The student:

•Can communicate effectively and purposefully with others through relevant vocabulary and terminology

•Can discuss subject knowledge orally and in writing, and apply this to practical contexts


The student:

•Can critically reflect on the content and practice of the subject

•Can maintain and strengthen own linguistic and cultural competence

Paid semester fee and syllabus literature. It is also required that students have a laptop at their disposal.

Compulsory course for 1st year students - bachelor international marketing

Compulsory course for students on Experience English: Autumn

Elective course for other students at Nord University

The class has regular campus instruction with weekly lectures / seminars, about 3.5 hours per week. Attendance is not mandatory, so it is possible to take the course as an independent study, after an agreement with the lecturer. It is expected that students access our room on the Canvas learning platform.
The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies. These evaluations are included in the universitys quality assurance system.

Combined assessment comprising of:

Written school exam (SK), 4 hours, 60/100, grade A-F

Oral exam (MU), 30 minutes, 40/100, grade A-F

Assignment (AK1), written assignment, 0/100, grade Approved/ Not Approved

Assignment (AK2), oral presentation, 0/100, grade Approved/ Not Approved

English dicitonary

Overlap refers to a similarity between courses with the same content. Therefore, you will receive the following reduction in credits if you have taken the courses listed below:

SP203L-003 - Business English - 6 credits

SP203L-004 - Business English - 4 credits