Course description for 2019/20
CG-Animation 1
Course description for 2019/20

CG-Animation 1


In this introductory course, students will learn the basics of animation using a 3D software. This could be classic animation exercises like a bouncing ball to more advanced exercises involving more than one moving object.

The course starts with foundational training in 3D animation, and based on this the students will plan and produce short animation tests using pre-rigged 3D models.

Finally, the animations are presented as a rendered or captured sequence.

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:


  • Create 3D animations based on planning and observational eference.


  • Demonstrate the principles of animation through object interaction.

General Competence:

  • Critically evaluate motion applied to a CG-object.
  • Produce artistic content using computer graphics
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures, Lab work on assignments.
Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.