Course description for 2019/20
Art 2
Course description for 2019/20

Art 2


In this course every student will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop and explore the methods and techniques covered in each class
  • Develop and explore their own observational skills alongside purely imaginative elements or experimental ideas
  • Pursue the regular habit of observing and recording, using both pictorial and verbal methods

Students will also be encouraged to maintain the Scrap Books and Note Books they started in Art 1 (to accompany and enhance both the work done in class and the work done in their Sketch Books)

The written exercises in Art 2 will allow students to further:

  • Their interest in contemporary (and historical) Art Criticism and Design Theory, with particular relevance to Moving Image history and practice
  • Their own personal awareness of the importance and significance of all aspects of visual communication

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:


  • Efficiently capture characteristics of a subject.
  • Demonstrate informed use of colour theory.


  • Portray proportion, mass and volume in anatomical structure through the reproduction of the physical form.
  • Depict motion in a still image.
  • Produce work adhering to the standards and conventions used within a production pipeline specific to their field of study.

General Competence:

  • Communicate iterative and developmental progress though a study journal.
  • Critically evaluate and select work for a limited final portfolio presentation
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

In class students will be required to complete (and scan/photograph and save in the appropriate folder on Fronter):
- weekly observational drawing exercises

At home students will be required to complete (and scan/photograph and save in the appropriate folder on Fronter):
- weekly sketch book assignments

At home students will also be required to:
- research and write a short essay (1,000 to 1,500 words long)
- the essay will be an appreciation of the contribution made to on specific game, movie, TV / web series or graphic novel by one artist or designer (to be suggested by the student and approved by the teacher)

Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.